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Is this true about girls?( for males))

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I think it depends on the person. Some people (so yes some women) do get desperate and it shows. But it shows more in how they act than their physical appearance. I'd like to think people dress up how they want to most but sadly that's not entirely the case either. So I think it's just simplest put in this case: If you're desperate -> it might affect how you dress How you dress (does not) -> show that you're desperate
I don't think about those things really ;)Maybe a bit.I like my current style and I don't care what others say. I am not male but who cares :D?
we, as men tend to look at it that way, judging girls and women by the way they dress and look, but to some females its just the style they like, whether its cute clothes, or sporty, or revealing or conservative or even comfortable, but men make those judgement because we been program to do so since childhood, that is one thing wrong with society, everything is made sexual, of course like myself not all males look at a woman wearing the most revealing outfit and classify her as desperate or even slutty. Society itself has made dressing a certain way look bad
I've seen men that could care less tbh I could care less, I reserve myself from under my baggy clothes, leggins, short skirts and sport shoes to the one that will probably surpass other layers more important than the ones formed by clothes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). So, there maybe are some men that feel attracted to certain outfits but tbh in the end is up to the woman to dress how they please.
I certainly don't see it as desperation. If they want to dress up everyday for whatever reason then more power to them.
Pretty much what HumanoidS said. Just because people dress up that doesn't necessarily mean they're looking for attention, some people just enjoy looking nice. Also, I'm personalty put off by skimpy/oversexed clothing, but also baggy lazy ugly looking stuff too so it goes both ways.
Say what. No man in my life will be able to take away my shoes & make-up.
Do whatever you feel comfortable with, don't be too bothered with other people think. If you are a bit bothered(Which is completely fine), then just go to an extend where you DO feel comfortable.
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