Does appearance really matter?

irlanimegirl @irlanimegirl
Does appearance really matter?
irlanimegirl @irlanimegirl
Okay, I know first of all I shouldn't be talking considering you can't even see my face in my profile pic but that's solely for privacy reasons(I get anxiety when people on the internet see my face)
Anyway, moving on to the question: Does appearance really matter to you in dating?
I won't put my own opinion because I want answers to be unbiased. It's just something I'm curious about.

HumanoidS @jellz
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
HumanoidS @jellz
Yes it does. There are things more important than appearance but if I'm not physically attracted to you it won't work.

Penna @penna
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Does appearance really matter?
Penna @penna
I think appearance does matter. But it is not all that matters.
On a personal level, people should be proud of who they are not have to worry about whether everyone finds them attractive or not. When it comes down to it, the only person who should care about what you look like is you and that you look the most "you" that you can.
In the end, when it comes relationships, you only need to be attractive to one person and if that person is right for you, they'll find you attractive regardless of how others see you.

TheOneTrueSenpai @theonetruesenpai
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Does appearance really matter?
TheOneTrueSenpai @theonetruesenpai
Yeah... Physical attraction is pretty important.

neeto @neet_one
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Does appearance really matter?
neeto @neet_one
Yup, Lot of guys like to say it doesn't matter but they're more often than not the ones who take whatever they can get just to avoid being alone, then dump you when something better comes along.
Like others have said, You gotta have at least some physically attraction to the other person or things wont get very far in most cases.
That said it's not like all hope is lost if you're not some beauty queen, because everyone has different tastes and preferences. It's very possible that while you think you're unattractive you're actually beautiful in the eyes of another.
For that matter there's plenty of physically attractive people out there that have hideous personalities and who no one in their right mind would want to deal with. So being attractive isn't all there is to it.

techno_owl @techo_owl
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
techno_owl @techo_owl
I would say it does a bit, but for me it comes down to personality.
I say that because
I've meet girls who at first glance i thought i would never be attracted too, but then after getting to know them and realizing their wonderful personalities, i actually started feeling attracted to them.
And the opposite has also happened. Alot.
Alot more than i expected.

Rain @rainx
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
Rain @rainx
As I've said in the past, it's hard to be in a relationship with someone you're not attracted to. As much as some may like to deny it, I think almost everyone has a bit of superficiality and minimum expectations to an extent when it comes to dating. Having a compatible personality is also very important.
imo, if you're on this site and looking for a genuine long term relationship, yet you choose not to have at least one or two irl pics of yourself on your profile, for whatever reason you claim it to be that way be it privacy, shyness, etc. It still comes across to most potential people looking for the same thing you are as you're hiding less desirable or unattractive aspects of yourself even if that may not be the case at the end of the day.
If you're not looking for a relationship, then it really doesn't matter. But if you don't have enough confidence in yourself to at least show what you look like, don't be surprised if you don't get a lot of people beating down your door and wanting to get to know you outside of anything other than friendship. It may suck that the online dating game works that way, but it's just the way the majority of people are.

idontknowman @oxycore
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
idontknowman @oxycore
I kinda agree with ya'll. And about not having pics of yourself on here, hmm. Well it's not the smartest idea to just put random pics on the web for everyone to see (For me, it's just that I keep thinking people who know me IRL will look me up by copy pasting a pic from my fb in google and find all sorts of things about me while I don't want them to.) To me, I wouldn't mind sending anyone pics, but I'd at least have to know you a little bit if that makes sense.

Gudmoore @gudmoore
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
Gudmoore @gudmoore
In a sense it does. Everyone has their likes and dislikes. What one person finds attractive, others can find unattractive. This goes for both looks and personality.
Don't worry too much about it, take care of yourself for yourself. Eating better, and even light exercise will make you feel better mentally and physically. Harping on your looks rather than just working on FEELING better just upsets you more. Even attractive people can have issues with their own appearance.

Edtastic @edtastic
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
Edtastic @edtastic
I think it matters a little, personality is also good but how someone looks is the first thing you notice about someone.
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