If you had (could) to choose one person...
115 @siruboo
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
115 @siruboo
Ok ill go out with the person below if your over 20 and are a girl
neeto @neet_one
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
neeto @neet_one
Sure you're not being a bit too picky there siruboo?
115 @siruboo
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
115 @siruboo
Ya blew it
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
I'd have to guess there is nobody that fits that criteria around here, siruboo.
115 @siruboo
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
115 @siruboo
I just talk to the silent, witch is the only way to live, i dont want to be dubmb. I want to know my past and everything
kitty20 @kitty20
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
kitty20 @kitty20
There's a few who seem interesting on this sight maybe I'd date one of them XD
GranTurismoT @granturismot
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
GranTurismoT @granturismot
I do what I want.
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Gosh, names people! :p
Out with it! :p
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
^ Probably not going to happen. I wouldn't date anyone here; I don't know any of them well enough, not nearly. Going out to eat or just talk somewhere sounds better.
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
If you had (could) to choose one person...
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
People, it's rhetorical. Based on what you know about people here, if you had to choose, key words by the way, who would it be.
Im not saying OMFG YOU'RE GOING TO DATE THEM! I'm not even saying you have to have an intrest in more than friends with someone. I'm saying simply, if you had to pick someone, who would it be.
God, you people are taking this too seriously. It's meant to be something fun.
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