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Too old?

Oct 25, 15 at 12:33pm
Pedophilia is an adult having sexual relations with a person under the age of 18.
Oct 25, 15 at 12:41pm
So if your 19 and you like a 16 year old which happens anytime in america. Its considered Pedophilia? When Juniors go out with Seniors in High School. Wait, why are we going into sex already? I thought this is just a relationship topic.
Bunnyman @taiyou commented on Too old?
Oct 25, 15 at 1:01pm
Actually pedophillia is prepubescent...there is another term for the teenager one
Oct 25, 15 at 1:38pm
At 30 (31 shortly), I feel Im probably a little too old for several people on here, but since I dont know what age limit girls are ok with, I often feel uncomfortable making that first move. Not looking to be labelled as some creepy dude, I just dont bother talking to most people, even for t he sake of just friendship. If only there was a way to tell...
Oct 25, 15 at 1:55pm
Pedophilia is the same under the law. On your question, Lord Elric Sama, if a 19 year old fucks a 16 year old, then the parents of said 16 year old have the right to press charges for raping a minor. Sex and relationships and age are all related for the topic at hand
neeto @neet_one commented on Too old?
Oct 25, 15 at 2:16pm
SimonSan, It depends on the person but I think the average for this site would probably be around 25.
xypho @xypho commented on Too old?
Oct 25, 15 at 3:22pm
This account has been suspended.
Oct 25, 15 at 3:40pm
Being close to 30 and being into anime,video games, hentai and the like I certainly do feel like an old ass fart. But hey age doesn't matter(to some degree) Also what's with the pedophile talks that's been going on everywhere I go? No seriously Ever since Gay marriage was legalized, there's been so much talk about pedophile acceptance and some crap then these talks about pedophiles gets brought here, specifically a topic in the serious talk not too long ago kind of solidifies that more. Also a pedophile is an older teen to adult who has sexual attraction for prebuscent children and a hebiphile is someone who is attracted to young teens. Also for the legality of Age of consent, in Florida it's 18, however if you're 23 you're allowed to have sexual relations with someone as young as 16 last I read. Nevertheless I said my piece and I'm out.*deactivates*
neeto @neet_one commented on Too old?
Oct 25, 15 at 4:07pm
I feel someone should point out the elephant in the room here with this whole relationship with minors thing and pedophilia. Now I know this might sound nutty, like down right insane and unthinkable to some people but what if... now just hear me out here, what if... stay with me here, what if... you have a relationship with someone under 18 but.... don't actually have sex with them? like don't even touch them or anything. It's a mind blowing concept isn't it? I know it sounds completely insane to be in a relationship and not fuck like animals in heat but just try to imagine it. Like, rather that fucking them the second you meet what if you like... didn't do that? what if you like... waited? crazy talk I know but I just felt like getting it out there. Whelp, I'll get my tinfoil hat back on now, the mothership is waiting for me.
Bunnyman @taiyou commented on Too old?
Oct 25, 15 at 4:37pm
Lol. People get accused of being a pedophile anyway...weather you actually did anything or not. XD
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