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How to Cope With Being Single?

Listen to music, find hobbies, hang out with friends, work out, work in general, stuff to keep your mind off of it. I'm trying to better myself after being stuck single in hopes of I will find someone in the future. Right now I'm hanging on because I go to the gym 6 days a week with my friends. I like to imagine what I'll be and what kind of girls I'll be able to woo lolololol
I see a lot of advice and I am happy to see it. I thnk most of you that are willing to give me some kind of advice. <3 However, I keep on seeing the two words "love yourself" and to be honest, I really don't understand how to accomplish that. I mean, I guess I LIKE myself, but I end up always saying, "I hate myself" over almost everything I do wrong. So how do you get to the point of loving yourself?
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@xypho Why are you actually that rude? nyan :3
its actually the first time ive been single for this long, usually am not single for too long but after this five year relationship I felt the need to just work on myself, I tried dating/going on dates and sure it was hard the first few months maybe even the sixth month but after that I just got too busy and used to being single.
@RedWorld A big part of the whole "loving yourself" concept starts by really evaluating what you want out of life (Besides a relationship, of course) and beginning to take steps in that direction. I'm talking career-wise, academically, socially, health and body image-wise, everything. Reject all the narratives you've been fed throughout your life. They're what are making you hate yourself. Engage on a deeper level with your hobbies. Build things that you can look at and be proud of. Figure out what your dream job is and start working toward that. Accept your failures and learn from them. Take risks. There are so many people out here doing shit they -hate- every single day, and it's making them hate the world and hate themselves, so if it won't put you in danger of starving to do so, start really indulging in doing things that'll bring you -real- fulfillment, make you feel like a more complete person, and fill out your life with knowledge and experiences.
Oct 25, 15 at 5:30pm
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Well I've been single for almost 3 years at this point and I can tell you that even I have times where I'm absolutely sick of feeling lonely, unloved, unappreciated and all those awful feelings but the vast majority of the time, it's not so bad. I always put on a very tough front pretty much all the time and play it off as no big deal and most of the time it isn't because I keep myself focused on... Well, myself :D I focus on work, hobbies and personal projects and look to better myself and constantly enforcing the idea that being single isn't a bad thing. And it's really not - sometimes having that time to yourself to do your own things and relax and focus entirely on yourself can be incredibly liberating as it certainly clears my head of shit. Of course I do prefer the relationship life much, much more - it's good to feel like I really am important to someone in that way but since I don't have that right now, it's all about me until then.
Oct 27, 15 at 4:50pm
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It especially feels bad when you've experienced love and then it disappeared, but i can definitely relate, at times i've felt bothered by simply looking at other couples, it just made me feel more lonely <.<; but you just gotta remember you can't really rush things, if you simply want to be with someone then possibility of it working out is pretty low, you just gonna be patient, and if that "one" person comes then it comes, for the mean time all we can do it just work on ourselves, better ourselves.
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