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Has anyone my age found that special someone?

People can go through their whole life without finding that special someone. Chance of founding that person at age 15 is very small.
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Yes but we aren't together anymore. I love her dearly, but the distance was too much.
im ur age 2 and i thought i found the one but she turned out to be really fuckin shady like she fucked with my insecurities with drugs and shit so i said fuck it and i turned everyone on her bc i wasnt the only one she hurt in her friend circle so now she walks in shame
I've found mine at age 15 ;-; I found him on this website cause he said hi to me first XD Then we used Skype and I said "wouldn't it be funny if we dated?". After that statement he asked me out lol. We fell in love on November 18th. In December he came to California from Canada by car. (Took on day to drive cause he didn't want to take a brake cause he really wanted to see me) He arrived and we spent 2 weeks together and went to an anime convention. Summer came and he came to visit again. On my birthday he went down on one knee and pulled out a ring at the buffet we ate at and said " I really love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you! I know I'm 23 and your 16 now but I don't care about age you hear me! Will u accept this promise ring and be with me so we can get married when your 18 and move to live with me in Canada?" I said yes. So here I am ;-; A happy future wife. Lol
^hope y'all didn't bone while he visited because that would be highly illegal :^) also 4 real a 23 year old dating a 16 year old is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable. It's not your fault. It's his. I'd highly consider getting yourself out of this.
i did.... In freshman year of highschool. Now I'm looking for a girl with common interests.
Eh? That is an amazing story, Belladonna Tokyo. Do not listen to the trolling Mainichi Cafe.. Probably jealous, that is a Hollywood story if I ever read one! I am half happy for y'all and half jealous... I hope I can find a girl like that too! 24 years of not finding anyone and counting...
Trolling, mainchcafe? More like realistic. Maybe it will work, but at sixteen I highly doubt it. There's a huge difference in mentality and maturity (maybe...I mean, at 23 I would've never considered dating a 16yr old. There's so much that can backfire, not to mention the legality issue.). All I can say is best of luck and talk to your parents about this if you haven't already. As for me, I'm a bit older and I believe the relationship I'm in most certainly has the potential for a life long love.
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