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Has anyone my age found that special someone?

At your age I was with this guy who was cheating on me. :/ Don't worry too much about finding someone so quickly. There's still college and usually that entire experience changes you and all your previous HS friends (at least that was my experience). Also, what I found was that you don't really know what you like until you start dating and getting more experience with relationships. I'm 19 (actually 20 by the time you probably read this), and I'm dating someone. This is like my... I don't even know I've dated a ton. We've been dating a little over half a year and I still don't know whether or not to stay with him. It's definitely gotten easier to know what to look for, but it's still hard. I wouldn't be surprised if we break up any time soon. There's really no rush though so take your time :)
But haruuuuuuu, you're an amazingly awesome person. Why would anyone cheat on you?! :(
Well it was an LDR and I looked completely different lol >.>
You're 15. Don't put too much stock into high school relationships. By the time you hit college, you'll look back at your high school years and ever wonder why you cared so much about the most paltry things. Just enjoy being a kid for a few more years and worry about relationships more when you start hitting college.
When you're 15 it seems like whoever you date could be "the one" but most of the time they aren't lol I've also had so many friends who started dating young dated for like 5 or 6 years then broke up as soon as they hit college.
I didn't find anyone until I was 16, and she put me into a emotional deadlock where I was just completely blinded by her. Now I look back on it, and she was just another man hoarder/slut/whatever you want to call it. The proof is in the first day I went to her house, within a couple hours she was already on my lap. But I was so dumbfounded as to what to do relations wise at the time so I kind of just sat there. I'm so glad it never went through. I did find one at 17, my ideal, but we broke apart this last May... To make it short, don't fall into anything, the first love, may very well not even be one at all. I was so susceptible and lost almost 2 years of my life to nothing. That's not to say the one won't be your first, just some caution is good. Read the book a little before you buy it. And I agree with the people before me, high school romance is not all that important or even lasting. Take the time to figure out more of who you are.
15 That age when love is at its unbalance.
Yes I found one my ex gf and I regret it af
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