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Has anyone my age found that special someone?

Fun fact, I'm 16 and dated a 23 year old guy, did not go well. o3o That moment when an adult is more immature than you already are.
Shit, if I knew a 23 year old is in a relationship with my underage son/daughter, I would have knocked their ass out regardless of what gender they are if they visit my child and hand them to the cops. I would be the type of father who would monitor every device my child would have so their activities on the devices wouldn't be unknown to me. :) Now back on topic. When I was 15, I thought I did but turned out the person was a total asshole so I lost interest in them.
^ If my parents kept an eye on me like that, this would've never happened to me. My parents give me a lot of freedom, (online and game-wise) but they know where the line is. Buuut, I don't have the best parents either, seeing as they're both people suffering from depression disorders. Anyway, as for Belladonna, I'm truly happy for you, just please, realize what you're getting yourself into, if you're fine with it, then go for it, but be careful.
My parents are totally fine with it. I revolve around the Muslim culture with my family. Its better to make me settle down then mess around. Also we have court law papers done so nothing bad happens. To be honest I'm happy I found someone. Its better then getting matched up with a stranger with marriage. Sometimes I hate my religion lol
@Xypho I've we have been together for almost 2 years.
@Belladonna Tokyo I see! ;0; That's wonderful for you to dodge that bullet with the marriage to a random person. I have a Muslim friend that just had a wedding after Christmas and she hate every second of it. She hated the guy and she couldn't fight back cause it was her parents choice... Man I just wanted to grab her and run lol. But anyway its good that your parents accepted him. Your very pretty and happy for u :3
You're so young, you have a whole life time ahead of you so don't worry? :))
If you're 15 or 16 and you have time to waste looking for "love" or wanting to "get married" - That's your prerogative - just keep it to yourself - especially if the guy or girl you're interested in is waay older than you and it's not legal to be doing anything. If you don't expect any backlash from pointing out your own ignorance then maybe you should just keep it all in your head. Not trying to be aggro just being real. If you take offense - that's your fault. We can both go to the same movie theater and have a different review coming out. To me you children are the movie. For your sake - Find what you are talented in at a young age - Learn how to make money doing what you love - When you don't have to worry about money or survival - then maybe consider settling down.
Iv been single for 5 years and iv put my self out there a lot at this point it looks like I'm going to be single for a long time
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