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staying single

Oct 12, 15 at 11:18am
Staying single is not a crime.
It is still that way and will always be to some extent because the way nature wired men and women. You have to build value in yourself and make it seen to attract partners. Women do it through their looks and charms to be attractive as a potentially healthy mother. Men do it by achievements and working confidently and diligently to secure as much provision and protection possible to have a stable environment to have children.
Yea, i agree to that. Having a stable environment that suit a family does makes things great. For me though, nah. Staying single is not a crime definitely. Take things easy. Won't get me much, but at least I'm comfortable where I'm at. So many dudes at my work tease me that I'll end up with one where I'm going for a couple of years. I replied to them my pros and cons and how it'll outweigh that possibility. I'm quiet, yet fun in my own ways which will make them feel uncomfortable if they find out. Ehh...it's okay, I'm weird on the inside. Rarely exposed to society.
Sorry for the confusion of the beginning of this thread. I guess it's my drunk communication last night. WTH? literally.
Despite what some people say, there really is nothing wrong with being single - like you said you're working more on yourself, your projects, hobbies, etc and that's alright - that's awesome that you're looking to improve yourself and your quality of life. Finding true happiness in yourself is more important than a relationship in my honest opinion. But don't be so self-defeating about yourself alright? I'm sure you have plenty of good qualities that potential partners would find attractive even if you don't think so yourself. Just keep going with the flow, I'm sure in due time when everything in your life is going well and you're feeling ready, the right woman for you will walk into your life. Hang in there man and do your best! :D
Yep, will do
Oct 12, 15 at 1:00pm
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that, especially if you're busy trying to achieve life goals and working hard. Some people get so wrapped up and desperate in the pursuit of trying to get a bf/gf, they might not be emotionally or socially ready to properly handle the situation if they'd find one, at least to have a healthy and productive relationship.
Oct 14, 15 at 12:32pm
I used to have crushes on different girls from Elementary to High school but it soon faded out after I graduated. As of now, I'm not looking to be in a relationship. So I guess I'm staying single for now or forever and focus on my family, finding a well-paid job, etc.
Oct 14, 15 at 6:35pm
Staying single might be better I guess? It don't cause too much drama xD
Oct 14, 15 at 7:08pm
Y u here? No, honestly... It's good to feel comfortable being single. If you don't love yourself, how are you supposed to wholeheartedly love somebody else? However, you seem to dislike relationships as a whole. You see it as a restriction. Never had a serious one, eh? If you find the right partner, they will not only complete you but also push you to the limits of your ambitions. They will make you do the best you can do. I've seen it often enough in my life.
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