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staying single

I go through phases where i'm extremely extroverted(Mainly when i don't know what to do and just do stuff for the fun of it), and Times when i'm extremely introverted(When i find an interest that i study hours and days about; such as Robotics, Neurochemistry, Computing, Biological Engineering and etc.), Although i am Ambiverted so it makes sense, But this year i've been more Introverted for numerous reasons, January/febuary we're extremely Rough months for elt me, but even so i tried to back to being extroverted by Skydiving and paintball, i felt myself just sitting alone in my room, Even so-- i did have somebody whom i liked alot, but... well unfortunate events and well, i couldn't come to terms with it for abit; Love is a bitch, especially when you lose that of which you hold those feelings towards. But even so i joined this site out of mere curiosity and a recommendation from a friend who was on here. I found a nice Community if not sad at times, but still Nice. Although my interests now just consist of studying and gaming mostly. I don't really want a Relationship- Not for a while anyway, Although i'd be lying if i didn't desire some companionship, But i'm a rather jealous lover, Fuck like a Rabbit with rabies and Guard like a Dog with it's food. But i guess i like the single life- I just hope i'll be reconstituted enough in the future to Search and Be with somebody again, My experiences made me more cautious and rather picky in some aspects, but isn't everyone to some extent? I mean if we truly didn't care about what's available then why are we on this site searching for that Anime lovely kind girl? or dude- whatever tickles you fancy really. But the Single life has been a good break and It's really fun when you're extroverted, i mean- i've Rock climbed, Skydived, paintballed; and never even had to worry about bringing or satisfying a second party. But i guess Cuddles would be pretty deice. But i consider myself a decent guy and rather respectful; if not cheeky towards women. But hey- Single life is chill.
Oct 14, 15 at 9:35pm
@Enelez^ totally gets it @xynox promise I didn't copy from ya xD
Oct 15, 15 at 1:45am
This account has been suspended.
Oct 15, 15 at 5:21am
hmm, I've never been in some sort of serious relationship. I really think that, assuming you find the 'right' partner, a relationship bears many interesting things. Let's be honest - who wants to die alone? What it all comes down to is finding that special someone. For me it isn't a big deal to be deceived by someone and part ways after finding out that it doesn't feel right.
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