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Dating in the Anime Community: Pros and Cons

As someone who dated a couple of girls who were already huge anime fans I have to agree with Neet. It's anecdotal, but in my experience there is a much higher level of people with socially debilitating issues in the anime community. And that isn't to say anything bad about the vast majority of fans, most are regular people maybe some more shy than others but there is a noticeable amount of people who are too possessive to the point of becoming stalkers or are too socially awkward to actually maintain a relationship. The unrealistic expectations is a good point too. Even I used to fall victim to that. I mean I'm pretty sure every anime fan has at one point thought "I want my girlfriend/boyfriend to be just like XYZ character". Anime also tends to push a narrative of romance and dating that is wholly unrealistic and unfair to both sexes and makes it that much harder to find someone you connect with. Let's be honest, no real girl is gonna blush and get all cute because you held her hand or kissed her.
@haku don't rune my dreams man xD she's gonna blush and you know it everything u guys say is true people just get lost in fantasy and can't see reality ^^ its hard to balance the two out and make a happy compromise
Pros: The truth is, there are a few of us with degrees, licensed & have a stable jobs in the medical field. We wear scrubs, works in clean rooms & are not delusional. Who supports the culture by subscribing to licensed streaming sites & buys legal digital versions of manga. We go to conventions on semi-formal attires, never cosplays but appreciates the effort of others doing it. Me & my other half are good examples. Cons: The percentage of the stereotypical "true otaku" who lives check to check, has no savings in their bank accounts but have tons of anime/manga paraphernalia/dust collectors, have heaps of late unpaid loans, complains about trivial things like voice acting, blatantly badmouths "competition" for a mate, does not have a real goal in life(or a future) but are looking for their "cosplayer waifu" outnumbers the "closet otaku" described above.
Of course one also has to consider that personal tastes and preferences are gonna come into play a fair bit in this. As hakureioni put it many tend to have mental issues but I've come across a few that aren't that bad or are actually kind of interesting, and stuff like being possessive isn't something I for one mind that much. There's also what 徐々に listed as a pro which for the most part doesn't appeal to me at all and is actually kind of off putting as people with ego problems who are overly concerned with money and status aren't the kind of people I'd want to deal with. I prefer humbleness but that's just me. I'm sure I could list off tons of things I find appealing that others wouldn't and vice versa.
Pros, all Cons....why there gotta be cons?
@Mon well you can run into a few people who are a little crazy I dated this one girl for awhile she was cool but she was completely obsessed with anime I mean I like anime too but she took the fun out of enjoying it and among other things.Also people tend to try and have a anime type of romance mixing fantasy with Reality which can be a turn off
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