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Question for the guys

@Donnie Yeah I totally feel ya man.
Sep 17, 15 at 11:44pm
@veruca I try to contribute when I can but I'm never gonna pretend to have all the answers. If I did, I wouldn't be on this site looking for a SO. XD
why a girl can like you one day and then for the next 4 days be pissed of? PMS
Pre-Malevolent Syndrome... It's when women haven't received their share of attention and to create balance and harmony in their lives, do evil biddings for a time.
^^^ This woman... This woman understands
Maybe she had life troubles?
Sep 18, 15 at 10:09pm
Wtf I always message Donnie too lolol @beatsbodyshot: Probably on her period, something happened in her life, other issues, she might not feel like talking, etc. Best way to find out would be to ask her directly. Don't come off in a confronting manner though. Just be like hey, what's up, I've noticed that you seem kind down/upset lately. Is there anything I can do for you? I'm worried for you as a friend.
Haruu you message me at like 4AM and talk about how the boys made fun of you at the park and wouldn't let you on the swingset and stuff like wtf do I say?
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