Another day and age...
Hirakuga @hirakuga
Another day and age...
Hirakuga @hirakuga
Have you ever wished for a simpler way of life? If so, it would be so awesome to hear about your dream societies!
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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Another day and age...
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Nope. I, for one, quite enjoy the technology and conveniences we have today.
neeto @neet_one
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Another day and age...
neeto @neet_one
Sometimes I think it would have been nice growing up in the 50s.
Arc @arc
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Another day and age...
Arc @arc
I would have liked to live in Roman times, at least for a while. In Rome, extravagant orgies were no big deal. You know what they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do ^_~
Hirakuga @hirakuga
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Another day and age...
Hirakuga @hirakuga
What if you could change the way society worked and still keep all the tech?
trahecreations @trahecreations
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Another day and age...
trahecreations @trahecreations
I spent a week at some ye old village when I was little. It was weird and exhausting.
Nakama @jacob1
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Another day and age...
Nakama @jacob1
Nope, never wish for it or dream of a simpler life. Life is not simple no mater were or what time your in.
cabbage @donnierye
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Another day and age...
cabbage @donnierye
I can get pills and be healed.
Fuck the past tbh.
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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Another day and age...
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
>In Rome, extravagant orgies were no big deal
They were, considering orgies were actually secret religious rites. Not the sex-fuelled parties you think of... :P
Look up orgion/orgia, the root of the word.
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