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So, I'm fairly new to this site. Honestly I joined it simply because I can't find someone to be with, man, woman, transgender; I don't care, that cosplays and wants a relationsihp. I'm outgoing and attend conventions whenever I can, I hail from the east coast. Distance doesn't matter to me. I drive, planes come in handy and so do trains. Regardless though I'm looking for someone to actually be with. Get to know and whatnot. So if you're into anime, video games and/or love to cosplay? Please, write me. I look forward to it! Oh, by the way, I've cosplayed over 23 characters and have yet to add all those pictures to this account. So far Ivy is just uploaded.
You seem like a damn cool person, and if I were younger, I'd probably look to you as one of my idols for what I want to do when I grow up.
.. That just made me smile, so big. You're so sweet! <3 Thank you so much! I can't stop smiling, haha.
Yeah! Ever since, like, five years ago, a passion suddenly flared up for all things anime. I've always wanted to cosplay and stuff. I even took Japanese for two years in middle school and had extra lessons after class to learn more vocabulary. My family was into the free samples I'd end up with from my convos at Japanese markets, but after a while they stopped supporting my dream and wanted me to focus on pure schoolwork. Now that I raped the SAT and have the highest score in my school and Ivy Leagues are contacting me, I want to go back to my dream. :o Have you ever read "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho? You're like one of the signs for destiny that book speaks of.
First off, I'm SO glad you raped that SAT. I applaud you hardcore for that! <3! That's amazing. You're going to go far! And I did that as well. Fell into anime, ended up cosplaying at 14 and eventually kept doing it; on the side I work as a CNA overnights. 10pm-6am. Harsh hours, but I love it. Go back to that dream! I can help you create costumes, advice, anything! You'll be AMAZING as a cosplayer. I haven't read it actually, though I've heard a little bit about it. I'm a sign for destiny? Do tell! <3
I don't know, but this book is said to be a very influential piece of literature that has been translated into many languages and distributed all over the world. It was originally translated from Brazilian Portuguese, and I'm reading it in my Native Speaking Spanish class. It's been seen in the hands of presidents and celebrities. It's a great book about finding your Personal Narrative. This quote from the book pretty much sums up the idea behind it: "Whenever you want to achieve or aspire something, the Universe will hear you and will do everything in its power to help you do so." Something along those lines. I've always nurtured a flair for fantasy and escapism and cosplay. Just need an outlet. :)
It sounds like a book I would love to read, in all honesty. <3 And guess what? I'll be your outlet! Let's start talking, become friends and I'd love to hear what you'd want to cosplay.
Of course! ^_^
Yay, more east coast Otaku!!!! Sorry for the late reply and sorry to hear about your Xbox. I'd love to chat more and see some of your other cosplays. I've been on here awhile and have yet to post my other cosplay pics [mainly because they're scattered about my hard drive and/or lost from the first time I deleted my Facebook (A LOT of my cosplay pics were taken by people who I thought were my "friends")].
East coast Otaku alright who's going Otakon? ^_^ I am going to costly Emiya Kiritsugi from Fate Zero. I still trying to figure out the wig thing help.... Lol
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