How do you approach men/women at social events?

hakureioni @hakureioni
How do you approach men/women at social events?
hakureioni @hakureioni
I'm curious to know how fellow otaku handle interacting with others they find attractive at social events, whether that be a con or a just a trip to the club. Every girlfriend I've had I met first online,. I just find it difficult to approach women a lot of the time, my biggest problem is keeping conversation. I can usually start a conversation, just not hold it for long. Any pointers?

Rain @rainx
commented on
How do you approach men/women at social events?
Rain @rainx
At cons, I've had my best luck sitting next to or near people at panels. It's easy to get a conversation going because you can talk about the panel you're about to watch. Social events in general make it easier to interact with people because you're obviously there to interact with some people, at least to some extent. Not so much if you're standing in the manga section at your local bookstore and you're seeing someone you'd like to strike up a convo with because they may not be very open to being talked to.
Having an "in" also never hurts like a friend of a friend or you at least know who the person is and they know you but you've never really talked or interacted much.

Teslan @tthedragon
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How do you approach men/women at social events?
Teslan @tthedragon
^Dat's a better example.

hakureioni @hakureioni
commented on
How do you approach men/women at social events?
hakureioni @hakureioni
Awesome advice, thanks man I'll give it a try.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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How do you approach men/women at social events?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
I avoid them orz cause i suck at life jk jk like 9/10 if i see a cute girl i probably wont go and talk to her unless like my friends hype me up and i think i have a chance i find it funny how my irl pull game is weak but online its next level

mariahaise @mariahaise
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How do you approach men/women at social events?
mariahaise @mariahaise
I never talk to a guy, like never I'm just so asocial I just keep on talking and having fun with my circle of friends, other than that I don't unless they approach me. Some of them have but I kind of reject every single one of them. Is not like they are a lot of guys that have wanted to go out with me or something since I'm not pretty enough for that lol even here I'm not someone approachable enough like other girls that possibly get 20+ messages per day haha but I still am too introverted and shy to do that. I usually try to know if someone else that I know knows them before hand, in the place I lived, almost everyone knew each other. If not I just don't because it makes me feel desperate and that is just something my mind refuses to do. Still I guess if you want to really meet them, just talk to them without caring or worrying too much.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
How do you approach men/women at social events?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Keep hidden behind corners.
Avoid eye contact at all costs.
Make sure not to say a single word to anyone.
Stay glued to my phone's screen.
Chicks dig that, right?

✠Grimoire✠ @gamzgamz
commented on
How do you approach men/women at social events?
✠Grimoire✠ @gamzgamz
I usually just walk up to people and lick their ear. That usually gets a conversation going for me.
On a side note.. You talk to me just fine Maria. :o(

mariahaise @mariahaise
commented on
How do you approach men/women at social events?
mariahaise @mariahaise
@gamzee yeah well idk I meant approaching guys in real person, not online I guess.

MiekeUyt @miekeuyt
commented on
How do you approach men/women at social events?
MiekeUyt @miekeuyt
My thoughts exactly.
I would be really happy if someone actually came to talk to me though.
But starting a conversation?
Nope. Just nope.
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