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Nice guys finish last

This post gave me the feels... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-2XwzmQbuTw
Aug 25, 15 at 3:02am
I don't understand. So among those 7 "serious" relationships you've had, you've been cheated on all 7 times? And how long were these 6 other relationships (with the exception of your 2 year fiance)? Also, you say half your friends are women who you have had no luck on furthering the relationship than "just friends." Are you a scumbag? (You're really convincing me of that with your use of the word "friendzone" and your fedora) Seriously, why are you so intent on love? Like dayum, women don't care THAT much when we get flowers or receive super romantic gifts; it's not a necessity. It's nice once in awhile of course, but just because you do that stuff doesn't mean we're gonna sit on our asses for you. Don't get me wrong, your partner cheating on you was wrong; that's her fault. But the fact that 7 of your partners have betrayed you in one way or another, I would have to say there's something wrong with you too. Like cut the "nice guy" bullshit, the men who claim they're "nice" are not quite so nice, and always try to blame it on someone else, rather than himself.
Aug 25, 15 at 3:51am
Sounds like you may be trying too hard. Which might look like youre desprite or lacking in confidence to the girls.
@Girku 'I treat EVERYONE with respect and value their feelings above my own at all times..when im interested in a girl all of that is exponentially magnified' + 'I'm usually pretty cheerful and happy go lucky, and explode with confidence.. its when things go south so often that I lose all that.. Its unfortunate.. but yeah' I have written volumes on this topic and I am not trying to troll or burn you just a heavy dose of bitter reality pills that will help if taken carefully. The phrase 'nice guys finish last' was coined because it happens often enough to become a coined phrase, a meme if you will like the friend-zone. It is the individual that ultimately has the power and responsibility to decide for themselves if it is the rule or exception in their own lives and overcome it or be dominated by it. Being 'nice' is the minimum cost of entry to socially acceptable behavior and is not very special nor does it entitle anyone to anything. If your actions match your words quoted above then you are not getting respect because you are subliminally communicating you don't want it or are unworthy of it. You care for everyone else above yourself so this says apparently you are not as valuable compared to anyone else. It is a good thing to value and respect others but it must be given when appropriate from a place of self-value or it is worthless to others. If you do not value you own feelings and have self-respect first no one else will give it to you either. At most they will fake it to lead you around like a carrot on a stick and you are then vulnerable to manipulation and a life of unfulfilled misery. You must respect yourself first and make it known by being respectable instead of just giving away free token respect like candy expecting reciprocation. This also means never accepting disrespect towards yourself and the people you value. When you do this properly others will naturally come to respect you not to return empty token respect but because they see the value you see in yourself and know you value them with genuine respect. When you put someone up on a pedestal you are saying to them you are beneath them and they will treat you as such even if only subconsciously and you will languish at their feet until they kick you away. If you inversely tie them to the ground and loom over them in absolute dominance you may subdue some to your side but you may not still be satisfied in the long run either. A true good partner is someone who confidently stands at your side hand-in-hand and eye-to-eye and matches/compliments one another on all levels. This is of course easier said than done and takes practice and searching within and out in the world plus a lot of work. It is worth the effort when done properly. The second quote reflects you are not yet of durable character. There is no shame in this unless you do not try to fix it or surrender yourself to failure. If your state of being easily implodes under adversity it means you are not actually self-confident. This is actually a side-effect of quote one. Your ego is frail like an egg shell as you are dependent on getting validation from others to reinforce it externally instead of you doing it from within becoming solid like a rock. As soon as the tide turns nothing is left to hold it together since you are not sufficiently and hence it falls apart on you. Women are often subconsciously sensitive to these issues and will lose attraction quickly when a red flag appears if you are not cognizant of your actions. Nature gives them this intuition so they select quality mates that will produce and protect strong offspring. You can be as hot as Brad Pitt but the second he acts/speaks like you their panties will dry up like the Sahara desert. They might not even know why just that it is that way and that is all they need to know to move on. Be the center of your own universe but do not go too far to delude yourself into thinking you should be at the center of everyone's universe. That is a whole other mental issue (egotism, narcissism) all together lol. sry if TLDR; big issues take big answers.
^ http://177etz3mauip3sw0he3ac6hp.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/cool-story-bro-500x499.jpg
Aug 25, 15 at 7:44am
@cielle IT'S A TRILBY, AY DIOS MIO no h8 doe, everybody says that https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3e/ae/dc/3eaedccd082bc37c0c060cb430803d5e.jpg
Reminds me of this AMV I saw decades ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYYfjFtYGsY
I have no idea if nice guys finish last, but I know there people out there that are happy just because you are there for them. You just have to look for them. I may seem naïve but I just can't believe that nice people will always be treated badly, since I joined this site I found some awesome people here, so there's my two cents on this thread.
Aug 25, 15 at 2:12pm
This account has been suspended.
Aug 25, 15 at 6:51pm
I know this is all about initial first impressions.. But the insults are uncalled for from some of you.. Some one please close this topic.. I'm sorry I even bothered to say anything..
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