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Nice guys finish last

Aug 25, 15 at 7:09pm
I kinda agree with Greg. It honestly sounds like you're trying way to hard to impress girls. If you've been single for six years and are now 23, most of your previous relationships must have been in grade school. Frankly, it's not really surprising given the immaturity people can have in high school. As much as the hold door open, send girls flowers for no reason, make them feel special, etc. might seem like a great idea and works in anime, it can also give off the distinct impression of trying too hard, especially in the early stages of dating/getting to know a girl. I haven't had a serious relationship in about 5 years and I've been on my fair share of the friend zone for one reason or another, but you're still pretty young yet. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with seeking and wanting a relationship, but sometimes guys can get so excited about the prospect of meeting someone new and maybe getting a relationship finally (especially if they've been single for awhile), they go way over board on trying to impress them and then get friend-zoned in the early stages because they don't know when to slow down. Obviously that's not the lone reason a lot of the time, but I've seen it more than once or twice being a major contributing factor and I've fallen into that relationship pothole more than a few times. My best suggestion to you is to just take a step back and not try to impress a girl when first getting to know them. Being Mr. Chivalrous (because you feel most other guys are douchebags because they don't feel or act that same way around girls because those same girls complain about them) might seem great on paper, but it's a fine line almost all guys have to walk because there's a time and place for things like that, but too much can be overkill for a lot of girls. Being more of a "friend" than a "boyfriend" in the early stages goes a lot further in getting a successful LTR from my experience.
Aug 25, 15 at 7:28pm
@Girku It's MaiOtaku initiation. If you try to make a new topic when you're new, everyone gangs up on you. Take the hits and come back swinging again next time. You can believe me, I'm god.
Aug 25, 15 at 7:37pm
Oh wow donnie lol I understand and appreciate everything that has been said, even though some of it could have been worded a bit differently.. and Ill try to apply it. Truly, I thank you all.
You're new. Nobody gives a shit about you suddenly popping in here and start crying that you been hurt, blah blah blah. Be a big boy, put your big boy panties on and buck up. You'll get over them, find someone nice and things will be fine. /thread
Aug 25, 15 at 10:48pm
Complaining ain't gonna solve shite for you mate. You have to suck it up and move on with your life. Guys whom believe they are "nice guys" seem to think that just because they are nice they deserve special attention from women and when they don't get that special attention they believe the world has wronged them and everything else is to blame. Please for the love of fuck don't be that guy because that's a really unhealthy mindset to go with and I've seen so many people on these dating websites acting like that and it's just sad as fuck. Yeah you might be a nice guy but when you whine and complain, trying to convince women that you're somehow the perfect man for them, it just makes you look like a child instead of a man and women find that very unattractive, in fact they find those types of guys as absolute laughing stocks. You just need to move on and hope you find a women who'll like you for you, you just need to be yourself and not let all of that get to you. Trust me, you'll live a happier and healthier life.
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I'm just gonna say it's a double edged sword. But I've seen a lot of nice guys finish last because they weren't ...enough? I don't know if it's because they're scared or not assertive enough. But I've seen it, had it done to myself, and been that dude who pushed a nice guy aside. But I feel your pain dude, I used to be in a 7 year relationship only to have her leave me for another dude. It sucked, but I got over it with time.
Don´t try to impress girls if a girl likes you she will waste your time with you. Only assholes finish last.
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