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Starting to get tired of things.

Well is not like I completely read what was published in here but I still can leave a superfluous opinion about it. Who is to say we are meant or destined to be with someone else? What is it that makes us all pursue love? When we are children, did we really care about romantic love? We didn't, we cared about friendship and our own family. I don't know but to me the romantic love is something created by the human being to be able to also benefit from it. Whether there is true love or not is not something I know, maybe there is, however this is not my point. Humans don't need romantic love to be happy. Who is to say in the present I need someone else to tell me things about me I already know? Who is to say I need someone else's support when I wasn't even born neither I grew up with that person? This is the real life... you don't expect to find love easily, it finds you if YOU are not searching for it because YOU should feel completely happy by yourself. I truly believe romantic love as fantasies put it is pure marketing. Nothing less, nothing more.
I heavily agree with that, Maria. Most of my relationships have been completely spontanious, as such. When I refer to romance I mean the actions that generally come after meeting somebody and it clicks for some reason or another. The work and communication that come with it. And just enjoying each other. Etc.
Well... I'm not one to say this but... Don't force love, naturally let it come to you. I know its corny to say but... Good things come to those who wait. Love will show up when you least expect it, you shouldn't just up and give up on Love. You'll know when that certain someone is the one, you'll just know. Don't force your feelings on someone and expect for something to happen. You can't immediately say I like that girl and I'm gonna try to get that girl, you have to treat it like a friendship and let it build from there, and let the feelings grow naturally from there. Remember let it come to you...
I don't try to force it. Haha, read my OP. It's anything but forced love. It was me letting it just flow and happen, and when the moment was right, it fell apart in the end because I was led on.
You said that you know for a fact that people dig you right?
That's not my OP. That was me responding to something else that was being discussed at the moment, in terms of people liking me or enjoying my presence. I said I know, from what people say about me when they are around me, that they like me as a person. I am generally well accepted in my peer group let along by people in general, especially if they get to know me. I'm known for being a very kindhearted, intelligent, hard working young man with a passion for what I do and the people I involve myself with. And I'm extremely loyal to anybody who I consider a friend. The only time I ever have an actual problem with a person is if they don't get my sarcastic humor, but that's usually resolved quickly. I make friends very quickly.
Aug 23, 15 at 5:23pm
@ Takumi - Been reading through your posts and I have experienced a similar situation. Meet someone > get along great > feel like relationship is heading places > want to commit and then you get the "I'm not ready". Its annoying especially when you feel like things were fine. Thing you have to consider is the other person as it takes two for a relationship to work and for them to honestly reply to your feelings is actually a good thing. It means they were not leading you on. That being said vent away - always helps !
Well then, just go with the flow. Stop thinking about love, and give it time. You know take a break. Hey get a dog? Haha.
I don't think about it unless it's going on at the time. Also, I have a dog. And two cats, haha. AND a box turtle. But the box turtle is a bit of an ass.
Lol. So here's what I think you should do. Just forget about love for now. When someone confesses their feelings to you then think about it and give them your response. It's better then giving up. Also what breed is your dog and how old is he/she? Oh and their name.
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