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Starting to get tired of things.

Alright, squad up m8
Yall Mahfuckas wanna square uhp?!!, Lets go den!!!!!!!! https://38.media.tumblr.com/f67a6bf5972269ef4d42168c646cb0b5/tumblr_n5w40f959u1rlyqzfo6_500.gif
^ dude got rejected and was frustrated about it
Relationship advice is hard when it come to rejection.. Like I have so many options I'd say get over them and find someone else but if it was that easy then Takumi wouldn't be on mo venting. Time heals, get your mind off of these girls and relationships and just enjoy life. Relationships are fate imo. But do what you heart tells you also.
My advice to him/her/it. Get over it. It's life. You're going to be rejected by guys/girls/its a lot.... everybody does. To sit there and wallow in self pity because some girl who will most likely not have any significance in your life in 5 years isnt going to help any. By the wall of text, I assumed he was getting bored of the site and just ranting about shit. Close enough.
I don't know if it's already been said (and sorry, but I don't really have the time to read all the replies on here) but have you considered the possibility that maybe you're confusing the idea of being led on with someone just trying to merely being friendly? I remember a couple of years back when I started to take dating seriously myself, I used to think the same thing about situations like that. I would find a girl, be nice and patient with her, things seemed good, but when I finally tried to see if a relationship could blossom (because really, anyone would think it possible) I would get somewhat of a same response. In the end, after many years of experience and maturity, I just learned that those people weren't trying to lead me on, but that they were just trying to be friendly and fill the position of someone trying to be there for me. Everyone has a different definition of what being led on to them is, but I'm only basing my opinion on this one experience of yours. The only thing I'm curious about is what she necessarily meant by "not wanting to waste your time." Did she mean that as in giving you a chance to date her only to know that deep down inside she just doesn't have that kind of interest in you? Or something else? Regardless of the case, as difficult as this is to say myself because I'm only human like yourself, don't lose confidence or any kind of faith within yourself. If you do that, you're allowing the people from those experiences to change you into someone that you know you aren't. And I don't know if that's something you'd really be okay with. Just be you. Do what you do. And eventually things have a way of working out. I know that's annoying to hear, but it is true.
@OP Takumi. It could be she was interested but became turned off. I am going solely on what you describe at face value and not trying to troll and of course assuming much. You asked her for validation and she asked why at the end. She was concerned at that point. You then told her you were vulnerable to outside forces and showed doubt in yourself in particular to relationships. Women, while they may not always be conscious of it but can still act subconsciously on the information by losing attraction, prefer a self-secure partner to entrust themselves with. So I would assume it could have been taken as.."I don't think I am ready for a relationship...hey want to start a relationship...maybe...if you want to?" See how that can become a mixed message with a hard sell? The thing is...if a person is not signing your paychecks/grades/key to your dreams or have real power over your life in some way it matter 2 fsks what they think about you and you should not let it affect you. Now that's not to say play arrogant and cool like a mask or be antisocial..simply..your character must appear durable to onlookers. If you display only this to your love interest she will be more into you. "I wrote to her, I was going to wait to say this in person, but, I'd very much like you to be my nuclear engineer. At least for a little while, if it suits you so." - It would have been more awkward in person IMHO if that is the exact words you used. The first sentence is perfect and genuine but the second line implied she was a temp GF if it suited her so...who wants to be a bench warmer? Everyone wants to be the star. I would have done this in person but said as I drew close with a playful smile... 'I'd very much like you to be my nuclear engineer.' ..drawing closer.. 'But can you start right away because I think my heart is about to have a meltdown' Hold her close and kiss her softly at first then more intensely if she does not withdraw. Wherever it leads no one knows..... http://cubone170.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/darkschneider35.jpg
@Takumi Yeah, womenfolk can be confusing. It seems that having a flirty attitude is considered an endearing trait and some act that way towards people whom they have no romantic interest. I've been caught up in similar situations where the outcome left me embarrassed. It would be nice if people were more aware of the subtext they create by acting in such a manner. But unfortunately it can be hard to see ourselves from any perspective other than our own. Was this an internet friend or someone that you know irl? After hearing about...coldfishing? Is that right? It seems to me that people use internet relationships to get fulfillment that they can't find in their lives...and for trolling. Btw, I invented godlike so ha!
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