how to have sex with your girlfriend

Yu @radiance
commented on
how to have sex with your girlfriend
Yu @radiance
Pull out before the homerun though, nobody likes nature's winners.

xxx @__removed_uguubox
commented on
how to have sex with your girlfriend
xxx @__removed_uguubox
did we find out the answer to the question??? how can op have sex with his gf

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
how to have sex with your girlfriend
yaasshat @yaasshat
No,it says your girlfriend...Just sayin.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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how to have sex with your girlfriend
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Don't be a fool...wrap you tool(condoms). Tip...the stuff you see in porn women do not always enjoy, some of those positions are just for good camera shots. It seems embarrassing at first but communicate with your partner on what is enjoyable and what is not and have fun exploring you bodies. Also be warned as a young man when you hit puberty your sex drive cranks up to it's max your whole life, women do not experience this until later and may seem less receptive to sex at your age so do not get is not the end all be all of is the crescendo not the concert.

kakashe @kakashe
commented on
how to have sex with your girlfriend
kakashe @kakashe
Hmm I was looking for places to do it but ok

Veru @verucassault
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how to have sex with your girlfriend
Veru @verucassault
Really? Nobody came back and said,"Fuck 'er right in the pussy!" ???

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
how to have sex with your girlfriend
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Walking away from this thread...
Gotta give props to verucassault though! XD

Takumi of the Wind @takumi_of_the_wind
commented on
how to have sex with your girlfriend
Takumi of the Wind @takumi_of_the_wind
Bruh you're only 17. You need to be looking for places to do your homework, not a girl.

Teslan @tthedragon
commented on
how to have sex with your girlfriend
Teslan @tthedragon

xxx @__removed_uguubox
commented on
how to have sex with your girlfriend
xxx @__removed_uguubox
17 is a perfectly reasonable age to have sex with someone around the same age.
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