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Selamat Pagi!

Hey, my name is James, and I am a newcomer to this site. I'm a software developer by trade, as well as by hobby. I like to game, and enjoy building custom gaming rigs to support my habit. I also enjoy torturing myself by installing 500 Skyrim mods then watching it crash for the whole weekend, enticed by the promise of Really Shiny Stuff. On second thought, maybe I should just stick to Morrowind... I lift weights regularly, which is pretty much the only way I stay sane. My five year goal is to get raged up on that deer antler velvet, punch a hole in the wall and then have my family beg me to seek help. Well, maybe I can skip that part. I've been yoyoing (unresponsive) for the past 2 years, and it's pretty fun stuff. I am only decent, I haven't put much effort into learning anything new in the past year or so. Now I mostly just argue with myself that if I only spend $200 on that new CLYW throw, then I'll realllly be good. Thankfully, cooler heads prevail...usually. I don't think I've heard a song that came out in the past ten years or so. I am living in a soul crushing eternal hamster wheel of old Opeth albums and white noise. I'm usually pretty busy with work, but I do still find time to get my animu fix. Lately I have been following a few summer series. I am currently hooked on Gakkou Gurashi, Gangsta, Gate (what's with all the G's?!?) and Rokka no Yuusha. I've spent the past few years in hibernation, but woke up once Berserk started serialization again. I plan to pass the story down to my grandchildren with the hope that they are still alive when the series wraps up. I hope to meet some cool people here, so I can quickly alienate myself from them and drown in loneliness. Shit, I meant NOT do that, at least the second half. It's a brave new world. If you have any questions, comments or insults, feel free to send them my way! And yes, that is a stone-cold Nichijou reference in the title. Repz
Aug 17, 15 at 11:27pm
welcome nerd
@donnie Welcome possibly ripped nerd* Welcome to MO, hope you enjoy your stay and have fun :) http://static.fjcdn.com/large/pictures/5b/5c/5b5c99_4506841.jpg
Aug 18, 15 at 6:56am
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
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