Your favourite Gameboy game?

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Your favourite Gameboy game?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
I'm not talking about the DS, either. I'd like to know your favourite GB, GBColour, and GBAdvance games. What're your top 5?
1. Links awakening (GB, later on GBC)
2. Pokemon Silver (GBC)
3. Breath of Fire 2 (GBA)
4. Final fantasy 6 (GBA)
5. Super Mario land 2: 6 golden coins (GB)

TheGreaterForce @tsuneharu
commented on
Your favourite Gameboy game?
TheGreaterForce @tsuneharu
Probably an uncommon list but, GB I like Beavis and Butthead and Operation C, the TMNT games. GBC I like Duke Nukem, Batman Beyond, and maybe a cross between Blade and Spawn. GBA has too many good games for me to decide on but I think Dragon Ball Z LoG2 or Buu's Fury, Castlevania Aria of Sorrow, and Astro Boy. Star Wars Episode III GBA deserves a mention...and Max Payne...and Battle Network...and Drilldozer. I'm stopping there. There's plenty more that I know I can't think of.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Your favourite Gameboy game?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Guess many of the people here are too young to remember the good ol' days of mobile gaming.

Sultry @ep1k1y
commented on
Your favourite Gameboy game?
Sultry @ep1k1y
1. Pokemon gold/silver (gbc)
2. Fire emblem sacred stones and the other fire emblem (gba)
3. Golden sun (gba)
4. Advance wars (gba)
5. Uhhh pokemon trading card game? (Gbc)
I did love links awakening and Mario land 2 as well. Ahaha I love that star maze song in that space world

Varen @varen
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Your favourite Gameboy game?
Varen @varen
1. Pokemon Crystal
2. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
3. Link's Awakening
4. R-Type DX
5. Mother 3

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Your favourite Gameboy game?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Mother 3 would be on my list if it came to NA. :(

Nakama @jacob1
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Your favourite Gameboy game?
Nakama @jacob1
1. Pokemon Yellow
2. Tetres
3. Super Mario land 2
4.Pokemon Blue
5.Sonic advance 2

Namani @namaniiamani
commented on
Your favourite Gameboy game?
Namani @namaniiamani
1. Dragon Ball Z: Legacy Of Goku 2 (GBA)
2. Pokemon Gold Version (GBC)
3. Metroid Fusion (GBA)
4. Super Monkey Ball Jr (GBA)
5. Sonic Battle (GBA)

renix4 @renix4
commented on
Your favourite Gameboy game?
renix4 @renix4
Since a few of mine were already said I'll try to come up with some others.
1. Survival Kids (GBC)
2. Monster rancher advanced 2 (and it's predecessors) (GBA)
3. Hamtaro Ham-Hams Unite! (GBC)
4. Harvest Moon: Friends of mineral town (GBA)
5: Megaman Zero Series and the Megaman Battle Network Series. (GBA)

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Your favourite Gameboy game?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Ooooh, I loved FoMT..
Such a good game.
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