"What do you think of this world"?

Muneko @muneko
"What do you think of this world"?
Muneko @muneko
People are indecisive, contradictory, and redundant. We all have our opinions on this world. We scream, we cry, we laugh, we kill ourselves. A lot of us just let go of ourselves and give up on life. That's not the way to go. Almost all of us believe in an afterlife, and that is Heaven and Hell. We would like to come to these places. All for the simple fact that we think Earth is simply crappy or shitty. In my own opinion, Earth is the proving grounds. In life, we need to learn to overcome the obstacles whether it be positive or negative. This is the one ideal I think we should all learn. "Overcome Thyself". When we overcome ourselves then surely we can do anything that we put our minds to, whether it be flying to space or jumping over the moon. Because the one person that keeps you from doing what you want to do is "you". So I will ask everyone, what do you think of this earth"?

LinusBlue @linusblue
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"What do you think of this world"?
LinusBlue @linusblue
I don't believe in any kind of after life at all; I am here on this earth but once before my brain rots away to nothing, and I go back into the infinite calm.
However, if you look purely at the achievement of man around you, this world isn't inherently bad. We, a small orgasm on a tiny, minuscule planet have achieved so much for what we are. Observing and recording the basic building blocks of the universe, an understanding of how our world came to be: we've manage to connect devices thousands of miles apart, we've ventured to the moon and back, conquered the sea, the land, and the sky. We can engineer our own organic constructs, clone life in the lab, view the universe in it's absolute earliest stages of life some 13 billion years ago.
We as a species have done so much. On a large scale, nothing we do here will matter. But for the moment you're alive, when you contribute to the pool of knowledge, for one split, fleeting moment, you've improved upon something that's tangible to everyone around you. Thus, I personally hold that the one gold in life for myself is to contribute to the scientific collective, for it's the only thing that separates us and substantiates us as life form in this vast endless universe.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
commented on
"What do you think of this world"?
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
I believe that life is the means the universe uses to understand itself, but then comes the question afterwards - "What is there to understand?" and "Why bother understanding it?"
I believe each individual needs to come up with his of her answer to this problem, and not blindly follow answers that others give them, whether it be religious, scientific, or otherwise. One might think it noble to contribute to a body of knowledge, or to overcome obstacles and improve themselves, but they lose meaning as well when one continues asking 'why bother?' as they peel off each layer to the question.

Muneko @muneko
commented on
"What do you think of this world"?
Muneko @muneko
That's why you need to the will to take those extra steps. Not everyone in this world is the same, some people will give up, others won't. That's why you need to overcome yourself. If their is something that you want, something that you waited your entire life for, go ahead at it. The reason a lot of people give up is because they either get discouraged by the world or like you said they're not entirely sure of what their pursuing. This world is an ocean, they're so many things to learn, you just need to dig. Some things you want to learn takes more than just an individual's lifetime to discover. It can take many many centuries or milleniums to ultimately find the truths of the world.

marc0 @marc0
commented on
"What do you think of this world"?
marc0 @marc0
Well, havent thought that a lot, so I really cant say a good answer but, I think this world is nice, its crazy, is never the same, and because is on constant changes is unpredictable and its enjoyable, we dont live a long lifespan, but still its awesome what you can do with that short life span, if the world was a pond, every human is a drop of water that leaves ripples on its surface

Muneko @muneko
commented on
"What do you think of this world"?
Muneko @muneko
That's a very good way to put it. Basically, live life to your fullest. That's what I'm doing and a whole lot of people are doing. One thing I'm not going to let happen is have me get discouraged from the world.

mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
commented on
"What do you think of this world"?
mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
The question should be, "What do you think of humanity?". Humanity is a filthy ,egotistical, pompous fool of a cyst on the worlds ass. There are however glimmers of hope to be seen here and there, which I pray don't get snuffed out by the majority. We are at times a plague ,while at times of great stress when we band together we are our best blessing. The key to have which all to often falls away is, unity and most importantly, love. Understand that love is more than a word and you will change the world even if just your own.

hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
commented on
"What do you think of this world"?
hueyuzumaki @hueyuzumaki
I love human beings because I know what is possible for us and what our potential is, but I'm sad that this pathetic excuse for a civilization we've created is going to crash in my lifetime and that most of the people around me (with a very small exception) are completely oblivious and/or in denial about the facts staring them in the face. A major reason why we are doomed to fail at preventing a civilizational crash is because so many of the basic values that the system we live under is build upon are anti-life, anti-love and anti-holistic; they are misanthropic, death-fearing, excessively ego-preserving/gratifying, fragmentary, authoritarian/slave vs master values and I'm sorry to say, western religions, J.C.I (Judeo-Christian-Islam) in particular are largely (but not solely) to blame for inculcating these ways of thinking and being. Getting free of these ways of thinking and being is a critical first step to being able to establish familial, social and romantic bonds that could even remotely be called healthy and loving, we will not survive as a species if we can not create healthy and loving relationships with one another and we can not get free of the ways of thinking and being that prevent us from doing so unless WE QUESTION THE IDEAS AND VALUES WE WERE RAISED WITH.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
"What do you think of this world"?
Lamby @momoichi
meh i dont think anyone can just say "suicide is wrong", in some cases its the only way out......onna brighter note :D even though imma shut in with horrible anxiety issues i think of this world as beautyful, i mean i think humanity is glorious, threw every horrible event in our history there has always been two sides, one bad but one good and good has always prevailed and i think will. there may be ppl wholl push u down but there always be at least one person with there hand out to help u up. u just have to look around for them ^_^ ---This Friendly Note Brought to You By Human Chips, Its a Buncha, Muncha', Cruncha' Human (what XP? idk XP)

kanda92 @kanda92
commented on
"What do you think of this world"?
kanda92 @kanda92
if life was a game, it would be a crappy game. personally i think we're just here because we arose from the environment.
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