Act of love.

Alistair. @albister
Act of love.
Alistair. @albister
A friend asked me what was the most romantic thing I could think of doing.
I half jokingly told him "Stopping to get her coffee just because she wants coffee and using my fully stamped dutch dros card that I had been saving for myself."
A girl a table over who overheard me said "Damn dude, I wish someone would try that on me."
I mean, I kinda get it. I could buy her coffee any day of the week but I would be giving up the free drink card, and giving up the free drink is romantic to some.
Is this what modern romance has become?

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Act of love.
yaasshat @yaasshat
Love is sacrifice and sacrifice doesn't always have to be of something big. Now, for some the coffee thing wouldn't mean much, but depending on how you two are together, it most certainly could be seen as an act of love.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
Act of love.
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower

mariahaise @mariahaise
commented on
Act of love.
mariahaise @mariahaise
This is sad.

xynox @xynox
commented on
Act of love.
xynox @xynox
Romance has died for most people in our generation. Therefore something as simple as this is already regarded as something special.

xueli @xueli
commented on
Act of love.
xueli @xueli
I'm kinda curious on what the people who don't think that's romantic think is romantic. Because for me, it's the thought that counts. I put more consideration into the intent of a gesture more than the materialistic value of it. Like yass said, it's the sacrifice that counts for something.
If it was always something big and grand all the time, that sounds like a crazy stressful relationship to be in.

0megablaster @omegablaster
commented on
Act of love.
0megablaster @omegablaster
Romance can be the simple things. From buying them a coffee to just staying up all night just talking on the phone. The fact that you are going out of your way to do something for someone you love shows true romance.

Rain @rainx
commented on
Act of love.
Rain @rainx
I think it's a nice gesture for someone you care about, but stuff like that shouldn't really be the main foundation of any relationship nor should the sole intention you're doing it be to seek praise for doing something nice for someone.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Act of love.
yaasshat @yaasshat
Be glad we don't still give "love" apples... Nothing like a sweaty apple that's been in your arm pit to show true love.XD

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
Act of love.
cabbage @donnierye
I do an act of love on myself every night.
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