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looking for your soul mate.

im going for something like that right now it really stings...
Red string of fate. Everyone is tied to everyone they meet with a red silk string that guarantees they will meet and cannot be broken. But, since no man knows thier own fate, no man can say who they are destined to meet. Carpe diem, seize the day. No one can help the unwilling as they must help themselves first.
that is true to most men them again a lot of man are blind apart from the small hand full that can see the red line gidding them to the soul mate
Aug 06, 15 at 12:47am
You can find your soulmate in places you would never think of looking... Like an animal shelter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
over way around for me. my soul mate cut it and when i tryed to fix it she set it on fire by going out with someone else.
But, how does one see? If you can define that, your problem will be solved. The first step towards wisdom is to admit you are a fool. Also, don't worry so much. You're far to young to let it bother you. Right now, it's just those wonderful hormones telling you to find a mate. In due time they settle and then you may find out what true quality is. Loneliness is only natural, but finding love surpasses the natural realm in my opinion. Love comes in many forms, you can love a friend too. But, I sense that you want romantic love, the carnal love that drives us to find a mate.
hello i am accepting applications for soul mate
trust me im only 18 but i have done this song and dance before my first crush was becuz of the mating side beeing awoken but my first true love was my sule mate for sure. in the end we lost each over and at first i thought it was her fault then i looked deep and thought it was both are fault but when i looked at it throw i gods eyes i know then that i was the one to blame but its not with out saying that i tryed everything posibal to get her back and i am still hanging on to small bit of hope as humans do.
A soulmate sounds nice and what about red string?
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