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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I don't really like or dislike this body, sometimes yes, sometimes not, but I try to deal with it. I don't think that really matters if you "look good" or not, because everybody will get old and die and rot, so at least I want to be myself and don't care about what society thinks. Physical beauty isn't everything, you know... http://40.media.tumblr.com/2d6564eb17df569b0c31ff92b40e0dcb/tumblr_nq2watGZzi1tqn5v2o5_1280.jpg
Yes and no. When I work out everyday I am pretty attractive. When I'm lazy as shit I feel ugly as fuck. It doesn't matter at the end of the day. Everyone has something in them that makes them attractive in my eyes. I've actually come to be more attracted to less than beautiful women as opposed to the cliquey-girl type lately and it's rad. But yeah, I think I'm damn good looking when I'm buff, shaved and nicely dressed
Jesus.... u guys need to believe in your selves more... fuck yes im attractive.. looks and mentally.
in all honesty, I am the most horrid human being alive.
How do I feel about myself. Well I am honest, I know my strengths and weaknesses and don't run from them. I am no Ikemen but I am not Quazimodo. I don't have the muscles of Gray Fullbuster or Sado Yasutora but I am not Droy or Marechiyo Oomaeda... People (usually girls) call me sweet, so that might be considered attractive perhaps? Aside from that I am loyal, a good listener, cook, masseuse, master of all forms of cleaning, and flexible (can be serious or a goofball, and according to a quiz taken on this site a few days ago, I am a seke) Oh and I am an open book if you could not already tell. Anything you want to know or talk to me about, just ask and I will answer with 100% truth :)
It changes for me pretty frequently. Sometimes I'm like "daaaaaaaaang I look good", and other times i'm all "ew".
I don't normally but when I'm super drunk I do lol
I'm comfortable in my own skin, and that's enough for me. :)
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