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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Yes, whenever I walk into a room with a mirror, I have to stop and stare at myself... lol
Today I did in the afternoon (cool and fashionable work clothing), not in the morning (bed hair) and by evening nope (bike sweet).
..me???????? hmmmmmmmmiezz goood question, hun. hmmmmm well the answer for me is prettty complex in nature. short answer is: i think im fine the way i am right now
http://i.imgur.com/zkXD6Oa.gif In all seriousness though, I'd consider myself pretty damn average. 6.5/10 on an average day, maybe 7 when everything in the world is right. Probably like a lot of other guys on MO, it'd be nice to pack on a bit more muscle, though. That being said, I take pride more just cos I can keep a conversation going, and make people laugh. At the end of the day, that's probably more important.
Well let's see i'm pretty silent and a fat fuck but suddenly if someone sparks a conversation with me I get really chatty and I can be a huge dork and kinda funny xD but for looks well I have a photo of me in the gallery so I guess you can see for yourself but I consider myself average and babies are scared of me T3T But other than that i'm a totally hot stud http://data.whicdn.com/images/77661276/large.gif
Friends (male and female) tell me I am, but it's possible they are being nice. 2 of my friends report people checking me out, but I haven't caught anyone. So I really don't know. :P
Someone told me I was attractive recently but I still don't see it myself rofl.
i cant remember what i look like
It varies. Some days, I wake up, look in the mirror, and say to myself, "damn, I look good", but most, I want to shatter my reflection. I want to rip out all the disgustingness and crush what I deem "imperfect". To be honest though, I do think a lot of it has to do with how I feel about myself (internally) versus how I feel about myself (externally).
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