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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I used to think in my younger years that I was but lately and perhaps more profoundly the answer is no for me. After being single for about 4 years now, I feel like I'm just wasting away and being alone all the time. At some point I think I'll just meld into that forever alone meme guy. Finding a girlfriend is hard as it is let alone one that shares a lot of the same interests as me in the area I live in is like a needle in a haystack.
I guess i'm okay, I could do better if i put effort into it. Older ladies usually tell me i must be very popular with girls my age. They are sadly mistaken, but that happens when you are an introvert
Not at all, lol. Hence the reason I don't do profile pics. I've only had one boyfriend and I believe he was attracted to my personality. I'm also a very honest (sometimes blunt) person, so that's a good quality to have too.
Of course! Everybody should be comfortable with themselves and find things about themselves attractive. at·trac·tive adjective (of a thing) pleasing or appealing to the senses. Just because you might not be happy with your body image be it weight, skin imperfections or whatever you might not be happy with right now that doesn't mean you're not attractive. Attractiveness by definition is not just about looks. It's also about the things you cant change like your personality and who you are. Learn to like yourself on the inside its super easy then to start working on getting to where you wanna be on the outside.
Yeah Just look at me im soo hot I would fuck myself yum yum...........NOT
I would say slightly idk XD
Nope, is probably why I'm single :(
I sometime do and sometimes don't, but I'm not another person, so how should I know. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Not particularly. D: But c'est la vie~
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