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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I did consider myself attractive ... like 10 years ago when I was in my prime ... now-a-days I guess I can pass for average asian guy ... I don't try as hard as I used to ... I don't dress up ... I don't gell/putty my hair to the MAX I guess I am more in tune with ME rather than the ME I wish to project to others.
I do but face it nobody goes by looks anymore. Then again there are some, but a f***ed up personality can make you very unattractive. I learned to stop judging by looks a long time ago. Do I think im attractive in my own opinion yes but not to the point where im conceited an thats all I depend on. People like that make me sick and are normally the ones that fish for attention and compliments to make them selves feel better.
I think im cute, but a shitty personality and cynical about the world.
I guess I was decent enough 4 years ago cuz I've had a couple GFs (hard to believe, I know). But nowadays I'm not so sure anymore. People say I'm a funny and nice guy?
Hell no, but I'm good at other stuff like being able to stay up for extended periods of time cough cough damn you anime, and ummmm yea that's about it :/
Physically attractive? Absolutely not. I have never thought that I am physically attractive, and neither has anybody else. Do I make up for it with an attractive personality? The people closest to me say I'm funny, but honestly, I have my fair share of mental issues related to loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Short answer? Probably not. Long answer? My chances are a lot better when I manage to become friends with someone though mutual interests and stuff like that so they actually manage to get me to want to talk to them at all. Apart from that, I will almost never approach people I cannot relate to, and if they approach me, I tend to push them away. I assume everyone here is into anime, so y'all are safe. Normies, however... Just don't even bother. "Normal" people have made it abundantly clear that you don't want me, so I don't want you either. My trust in "normal" people is broken beyond repair, so don't even try. Finally, how mentally attractive am I? I hang around so many people that are genius-level smart as an astrophysics major that make me look dumb that I have to constantly remind myself that I am much smarter than your average person. But, if that sentence wasn't clear enough, I'm not the smartest person in the world, and I know it. Some of the people I know really do make me look like a dumbass... Which is ok, because they are geniuses. xD
if i was more concerned for my health and safety, i'd consider myself a natural 10, but i have low self esteem and have let my skin deteriorate to acne, (and i had a battery acid accident when i was a teenager) so i guess i'd say an 8 at this time personally i don't care about my looks, but everyone says i'm attractive (girls and guys) ... so idk, i don't think about it but people always look at me when i'm in public
I got the moves like jagger
I've non-verbally understood that I'm not conventially attractive(I mean look at my skin xP) What I mean by that when I ask someone out, 99.99% in the past, the answer leads up to, "You're really sweet[..]still, you're not my type." It's funny, because I talk to various types of people, and I very well could at least go on one date with some aquaintences, it's just nobody can get past my face. xP ~T
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