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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Yes. I am >8D My ego prevents me from saying otherwise ;D
I married myself already. Actually to others, I have very low steem. I think I'm not actractive at all.(to others) But to me. Because I know myself so well, he is cool but he knows how to be cute. I would be very very shy around myself, but once I get myself, I would never release back to anyone. Just mine. Forever.
Physically, I'd say I'm barely above average in looks; it's my personality that makes me date-worthy in my opinion. I am a bit of a joker--puns being my specialty--but I'm a good kid, I study hard, and despite any initial nerves I may have, I warm up to those whom I hang out with frequently and I'm completely dedicated to making others happy as best I can now.
Haa, no, I think I'm fat. Attractive was when I took Vovinam martial arts and could run faster than most people on bicycles. Those by-gone days. Now I'm just.. <--
Nov 19, 14 at 8:55pm
I think I'm attractive. I keep up with my looks because it helps with my job. I eat healthy, exercise, and constantly exfoliate my skin. I get a lot of compliments on my butt, though. I hardly ever see it so I can't say for sure if it's attractive.
Vovinam martial arts-->I had to look that up since I've never heard of it. Looks intense! But you can stay fit regardless of your age, just start a workout routine and slowly amp up intensity along with good diet. When my living situation get's more stable (and diet) I plan to workout regularly starting when the weather warms up again. Because I want to look like this: (Rain during his training for Ninja Assassin) http://pacejmiller.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/rain_raizo.jpg
The mirror is my best friend <3 But yes I do, I try my best to take care of my hair and skin and find clothes flattering to my body type.
Not attractive! But I'm kinda ok with it so I don't let it get to me.
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