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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

haha oh yeah sexy ;) i think...i got a sexy body ;) i find myself quite beautiful.....;) rawr
nope I find myself the complete opposite of attractive
My friends always tell me, I am physically good-looking but I can´t bring myself to believe that... I have so low self esteem regarding my looks, you wouldn´t even find it under a microscope. XD But well, in return I think I am a pretty funny and honest person, if I may say so myself, I like helping others and making them happy. ^^ I think if I ever got a boyfriend I would spoil him so much... :3 And I almost have no "bad mood" days. I always think of others feelings first, and am a really good listener. :D At least my few friends say so. ^^ So yeah, regarding my personality I think I am kind of attractive.
Nah, not really. But if some one compliments me over.my looks, I'll thank them and move on.
I think a lot of people aren't confident with their appearances. There are those of us who are, and can feel confident in their looks and personality, but that's not everyone. Not to mention, physical attractiveness is something totally dependent on opinion. It can be argued that it's not entirely opinion based, that if a lot, or a majority of people find someone attractive, it becomes fact. However, it is still technically an opinion, merely one that is shared and viewed by multiple people. At the end of the day, if it can be argued both ways, it tends to be something opinion or belief based. As for what I think, I find myself mildly attractive appearance wise, and I like who I am on the inside. That's good enough for me ^^
I AM ADORABLE!! *I've totally just had a recent self esteem boost* People don't calle pretty or anything they say i'm cute or adorable ^^" But thats good enough for me~ (o^^o)
I wouldn't say I'm all that though I don't really care I'm kinda with silver
Attractive? Lol! :DD Im just more than attractive.. ^^ But it's no big deal.. ;pp I just live my life. And don't really worry about how i look.. If people hate me? So be it.. If people like me? Well :D i might say thxx. And it could be awesome. ^^
I think I'm attractive at times. It really all depends. I can't bring myself to like how I look in pictures. I really look awful. But in a mirror I can say at times I can be really pretty. Others call me cute. Some people can't tell if I'm a girl or guy. If I feel attractive one day then others to find me more attractive then normal. If I feel like a mess and look awful then that's how I look to others.
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