I need friends

stacylyn @stacylyn
I need friends
stacylyn @stacylyn
where are the good people at

›Vepis‹ @perrythewutt
commented on
I need friends
›Vepis‹ @perrythewutt
Where are the good people*
And they are everywhere

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
I need friends
cabbage @donnierye
Anime is your friend
Real people need not apply

›Vepis‹ @perrythewutt
commented on
I need friends
›Vepis‹ @perrythewutt
Probably the wisest thing Donnie has said since I seen him poking his head around the site o_o

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
I need friends
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Its official donnie is the wisest person i know

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
I need friends
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower

michaelw @michaelw
commented on
I need friends
michaelw @michaelw
Don't think I have made any yet but I came here for the same reason. Some really nice conversations so far. So I don't think you will have to look hard to find the good people.

ceevee @ceevee
commented on
I need friends
ceevee @ceevee
pshhhh who needs friends when u gots the anime reddit and food :D
madison613 @madison613
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I need friends
madison613 @madison613
madison613 @madison613
commented on
I need friends
madison613 @madison613
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