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+27791394942 Embalming powder white and pink for sale in zimbabwe/south africa

Embalming powder? Welp...There are a few weird people on here.
In both pink and white? http://littleml.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/shut-up-and-take-my-money.jpg
Zimbabwe.. Isnt that where some dentist shot and beheaded that well known 13 year old lion? Now to the topic at hand, Thats a phone number not a website you dibstick xD Googled the powder and got; "Embalming powder fetches up to $2 000 per kg on the illegal market and authorities are in the dark on the abuse and illicit trade" appearently drug dealers are turning to this stuff... I am beginning to question this site saftey for children xD ====From the Article==== "DRUG peddlers in the country have reportedly formed a syndicate with employees at local morgues in the illicit sale of embalming compound which in turn is used by addicts as an intoxicating substance, it can be revealed." "The drug pushers are said to prefer the pink embalming powder to the white version of the substance, both of which are exclusively manufactured by a German-based company, Hager Werken Brands Ltd." "Further investigations revealed that drug addicts sniff the pink powder in the same manner as cocaine, and sometimes mix it with cocaine and other powdery drugs to heighten intoxication. The liquid form of the substance, which is not popular among local pushers, is used to lace cigarettes and marijuana which are then dried before being sold to addicts for $20 per cigarette or $40 for a twist of marijuana." I know what your game is now bruh o3o
Africa- producer of things that we hate jk.
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