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Hello everyone

I just join so thought I drop by and do a quick intro of myself. I'm currently reside in SoCal and 27 this year. Anime wise, I enjoy comedy, slice of life type the most. GTO will be a perfect example of this. Hope I get to know alot of you here, you all seem like a bunch of cool people to hang out with
Jul 31, 15 at 7:12pm
Welcome to the site. I feel like your opinion of the community might change
@donnie: Are there alot of mean people here then ? lol
Jul 31, 15 at 7:23pm
It's a bit immature and a little bit clique-y. If you just do you and try not to care too much, you should be fine. You can still make friends without getting caught up in everyone else's weird bullshit.
Ignore donnie. He is our resident sad sack and not a proper reflection of what you can gain from the site. You get what you give and Im sure you'll find some cool people to mesh with.
Jul 31, 15 at 7:53pm
How am I a sad sack? I'm just telling it how it is, lol. All I do is make jokes all day.
Smile smile https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xpf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11023031_1563762153910823_682970122_n.jpg
Jul 31, 15 at 8:25pm
Welcome to the site enjoy your stay.
yeah smile like sunflower said http://24.media.tumblr.com/12c41b8a49d15cc52f955e8d0dc3b866/tumblr_mtcn8dvxg01s5rcozo1_400.gif welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
Aug 01, 15 at 4:04pm
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