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why do people here have 10+ pictures of random anime bullshit and 0 pictures of themself?

-delayed fist bump- It is true that even in the real world men are still a product. The difference is important fundamentally though. When interacting with women on the internet we do not have body language, the ability to show off any of our features, or even the option to make eye contact to allow the more natural appeal that we have as people to set in. Outside of a few choice pictures, some nicely typed out words, and a small preview of our personality...we are largely just a product on a shelf. In reality we can make that eye contact, we can make displays, (which can backfire horribly, but no risk no reward)We can be the salesman as well as the product. Ultimately that leaves a bad taste in our mouths though as many of us do not like the door to door salesman, so even though we gain all of these new perks to try to "sell ourselves" as a potential friend, or even partner. We get this massive handicap placed on us from the very start...because ultimately even after answering the door, one of our ingredients could still not be to the right value that our consumer is looking for and then you are left with a do-the door shuts in his face- ....oh well. Such is the way of the world, women who are motivated can also be the products on the shelf in that analogy. Socially our society has decided men must sell themselves even if they are the domestic, sensitive, or (insert not provider type here) and ultimately that handicap gets even more cast. I suppose my point is, some of us use that super cute anime picture because we want a more attractive label to draw attention to our shelf, so that we may be given a chance to show what we have to offer.
Whoa, this thread exploded in less than a day. I can agree that a lot of people I've come across on here tend to have their gallery/profile flooded with random pictures; usually they are those "de-motivational" ones. In my opinion that it gives off a terrible first impression. Additionally the "info" pages from profiles are void of any personality. Nowadays this site has become a lot more of an "anime community" than a real "dating site"; as such stuff like that would have been counter-productive. Personally I tend to not really socialize with those who are like that because: how's a bunch random, humorless, and shallow pictures, as well as profiles void of any personality, suppose to be interesting to me? Especially when those who's profiles are like just tend to: bully, harass, antagonize, and troll others? I don't have time for that immaturity. No offensive to those who aren't really like that. ♥ However in this day-in-age, I'm not surprised at all when's someone's privacy is at risk. Gotta be careful from "stranger dangers" ya' know. At the end of the day it's really: "to each, their own".
I need to photoshop my body into my picture so it can be a halfling =D
I don't show my face because if you saw it I would have to kill you.
Because posting personal information on the internet is usually not a very good idea.
I sometimes wonder why these questions are even asked. It's 2015 already.
HOLY SHIT, DONNIE WAS RIGHT This thread got entertaining at one point, haha ~T
Some people want to see if you talk to them without knowing what they look like. It can also be used to trigger a conversation. I bet they would show you a picture if you ask.
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