Bands you wish more people knew about
Arc @arc
Bands you wish more people knew about
Arc @arc
Have you ever randomly found a song and you wonder why they are not more popular?
I accidentally found a band called maNga on youtube and I love this song!
コーリー @anlme
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Bands you wish more people knew about
コーリー @anlme
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Aquarius @aquarius
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Bands you wish more people knew about
Aquarius @aquarius
Thanks Yuki those are beautiful.
Arc @arc
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Bands you wish more people knew about
Arc @arc
I agree, great songs.
Syrup @syrup12
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Bands you wish more people knew about
Syrup @syrup12
Angel with A Shotgun - The Cab ((I really like Supernatural, which is why I just this specific mv))
xwolfx @xwolfx
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Bands you wish more people knew about
xwolfx @xwolfx
BAND Les friction Song Sunday
Fiever @rickowned
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Bands you wish more people knew about
Fiever @rickowned
65 Days of Static
trahecreations @trahecreations
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Bands you wish more people knew about
trahecreations @trahecreations
a local band that disappeared a while back called Another Bad Idea. If anything else I want them known for their name.
Another band that is local that I wish people knew about even though their music sucks is the band called PenisWhistle which was named after the lead singer misheard me when I called him an Imbecible. and decided to name his band the insult.
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