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Vixenlover @vixenlover
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Vixenlover @vixenlover
Sorry bout the late response- never saw your comment pop up til recently- Will be adding you on league today GARENteed :D

Syrup @syrup12
Syrup @syrup12
Almost three months with the best girlfriend I've ever had, <3 I am so going to put a ring on her <3

yesitrepeats @yesitrepeats Whooo!

flirting @flirting
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flirting @flirting
Hello, I'm just fine. And yourself?

Syrup @syrup12 I'm good, thank you :)
flirt with the person above you!

Syrup @syrup12
commented on
flirt with the person above you!
Syrup @syrup12
Hiiii! Hum... Flirting is hard XD so...
Just to inform you, I'm on the phone with iTunes customer service. they've made a mistake. you're the hottest single of 2015.
Michigan people

Syrup @syrup12
commented on
Michigan people
Syrup @syrup12
Hi! Well, and you?
Not that I know of either, Testarossa.. We should all plan one!!! That would be so cool!