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A Echo

Jul 21, 15 at 12:08pm
What are your thoughts on people you have been previously with? How do they compare to previous viewpoints of them when you first broke up?
B. @verflucht commented on A Echo
Sep 14, 15 at 8:12am
I tend to let them slip away, out of sight, out of mind, I see them as the past.
Sep 18, 15 at 12:24am
Without them, I would never be who I am today. I respect them greatly, and owe them more than I can fulfill. I may have been upset, but never hated them. I don't think I ever really thought badly of them. I know I can be a difficult person, so for them to put up with me, I can not express my gratitude and respect enough. EDIT: perhaps I should also say, I did my best to understand them, so to understand that decision, how can I blame them.
It depends on how serious the relationship was and why it ended. I am still friends with a couple prior GFs many years later. When you first breakup you have a lot of negative emotions to release usually. After time you will look back and see things you did not notice before as you learn about human nature. I have looked back and realized sometimes I might have not been a great BF or they were even more crazy than I realized at the time. Your perspective does change over time.
Sub @sub commented on A Echo
Sep 19, 15 at 6:38pm
It is always good to be introspective. Looking back at past relationships / thoughts / events helps you grow as a person and move on. That being said some people may find themselves dwelling on negative times which doesn't do you any good. I have found that looking back on past relationships I can see the others side better than I could at the time when I was more emotionally involved.
Saru @sarubobo commented on A Echo
Sep 21, 15 at 11:00pm
With who now? pun intended
neeto @neet_one commented on A Echo
Sep 22, 15 at 12:57am
So far each one has been a case of "and nothing of value was lost.". If nothing else they've help me come to terms with the fact that I'm not really missing out on much by being single.
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