Letter of my Departure
Arc @arc
Letter of my Departure
Arc @arc
I'm sorry I could only write this to you on a note. I was going to wake up you up, but after seeing you sprawled out in such an messy fashion I couldn't bring myself to. I know you find it embarrassing, the way you sleep, but I think it is beautiful because you always show that you have nothing to hide.
In our year of travels I've seen you save many lives without passing judgement. Your power to change fate and give life is infinitely more precious than my ability to end the fate of others. I've killed many to protect you, and I know I would kill an infinite amount more to keep you safe, but I can't anymore. From the moment you held onto me when I was covered in blood and cried for me I knew I was in love with you. After I found out you didn't feel that way for me, I accepted to continue on as your close friend and comrade. I thought it would be enough to just be at your side, but the pain has become unbearable. It's not the kind of pain that you can heal.
I think it is best you make your way back home with Claude. I don't like him, but he is skilled and can keep you safe on the road back.
I'm sorry, Nyah. We should have never tried to keep this going. As the last surviving member of my family I have an obligation that I have been running away from for far too long. I have to kill them all. Thank you for trying to save me, but this is who I am.
I guess it's time for us both to stop running from our fate, huh? I promise that I'll smile every time I think about you. I love you, Nyah. Goodbye.
Destine @shaedust
commented on
Letter of my Departure
Destine @shaedust
Is this like a zombie apocalypse type story start? This is so tragic!
Arc @arc
commented on
Letter of my Departure
Arc @arc
Thanks for reading!
This is actually a first draft excerpt from my novel, I just never put into words what my character actually wrote. It's very interesting to see how the back story is interpreted. I'll write some more if people are interested in what's actually going on.
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
Letter of my Departure
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Lol I read this after I read the ending
But it is still very good
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