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It's either i have bad-luck or Women suck.

The problem with relationships when we are young is that many of us are not emotionally mature enough or ready to give ourselves over to another person. The idea of making that type of commitment is terrifying for some, laughable for others. Vulnerability on that scale genuinely terrifies people and rightly so. The unfortunate decision most of us (not all) come to is that we can have our cake and eat it too. Whether that be in the form of cheating or simply allowing our emotions to stay in one place while our partner continues to develop a relationship and life around us. In that sense there is a partner that has sheltered their feelings and well being away from this developing life and relationship. Eventually though, that place they paused their emotions where they "love this person" is not enough though because they hit the pause button in the "honeymoon phase" the part of a relationship where we are emotionally compelled by hormones to our attraction to another person. They never let their emotions evolve and eventually that honeymoon phase dies out. This is a problem because now you and your partner are now on two very different pages. One of you has had all of that time with their emotions "in play" to evolve and develop a lasting attachment and commitment to this person. Taking each and every bump, hiccup, and change in how you felt as it came and realizing why you loved that person so much along the way. You had the help of the honeymoon phase as well, being supported by its feelings that it gave you as a sort of "buff" to help you get through it. Your partner? They arn't so lucky. They let their fear, their uncertainty, their doubt in the importance of being vulnerable and honest with you as well as themselves prevent them from moving passed whatever space they hit "pause" on. That space they have stayed on has gotten stagnant and boring, or their honeymoon emotions have faded. They are looking at you now, their barrier falling away from them and they see the amount of spaces between you and them. Then....they look back at the start of the board game. Their piece is closer to the start...than it is to you. It breaks their heart, and it destroys them inside, but they realize that somewhere they made a mistake, or that they were too afraid to try....and they have let that distance get too vast. So what do they do? They either leave you without an explanation because they are suffering inside themselves from the realization that in their mind they ruined everything...or they find someone else. I've watched many of my friends, as well as my own personal experiences. We like to blame our exes for being these "witches" or "crazy demons" when in reality, we simply refuse to admit that they were scared...and we didn't know...or have any way to help convince them it was going to be ok when it mattered most. It takes two in a relationship, and while yes there are manipulative puppetmasters that require attention from multiple partners, gold diggers that only give you attention for possessions, and leeches that are only with you for the status or the feeling they have knowing they have you....I truly believe that most relationships fail...because they grow apart. The distance on the board becomes too great. We...resent them for not being by our side when we progressed on the board, and they resent that we went forward without them. Even if we were moving forward to try to be closer to this person, we lost sight of what is important along the way and lost our companion in the adventure. Leaving them scared and alone so far back that we don't know how to get back to them ourselves. I understand not everyone will agree with my sentiment...but if you find yourself still resenting a partner for how they hurt you....maybe you should consider if your attachment and willingness hurt them too. Love is a two way street and those of us who are left must also accept our part in what caused the delicate and beautiful flame of love to die out, leaving both of us in the dark.
I completely agree with @testarossa!
Honestly, you seem to have a v3ry negative view on relationships/ women in general. These issues must be resolved before you could ever have a long time relationship. Referring to women as cheating harlots definitely isn't helping your case. You definitely need to some serious introspection as someone who has cheated in the past and have been cheated on, people do it for a reason. Spoiling people in your own words does not mean you can expect certain thingsin return (just as a side note) Maybe those girls sucked, maybe you guys weren't communicating about the type of commitment expected by each other, maybe you could be the problem. Only you know the answers to these questions. Source: ive dated girls, and this approach isn't going to work
I'll take what you said into consideration.
Thats all I wanted :) you'll figure it out
In my experience, it takes time for people to mature enough for long term committed relationships. A few people can at almost any age but for most it will take well into their 20s (or even older) before they are really ready. I've met many girls that hop from guy to guy and say they are in love with every guy at the time. I've also seen many guys just hop from girl to girl so it's not a gender thing. Teenagers want to taste each other like the baskin robins 31 flavors. lol. I love sex just as much now as ever but I've been with enough people that it's not something that I care about as much. I value stability and commitment much more than random sex. I find it funny people that only been through one or a few bad relationships and are ready to give up. I've been through a dozen and never give up. Like Homura in Madoka Magica, I'll never give up till I get the ending I want. Anyone who gives up after a couple bad relationships doesn't know what commitment is!
I'm gonna say that you have bad luck cause men suck themselves
If a lot of men can suck themselves, we would have a lot of single men out there XD
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