Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?

Nakama @jacob1
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
Nakama @jacob1
I'm for the whole way of just letting things happen naturally. I do not seek out a relationship, because a person does not need to be in a relationship to be happy.

Destine @shaedust
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
Destine @shaedust
I feel like generally, if they DO end up getting one, it's gonna end bad. Beggers can't be choosers, and they just take who ever ends up wanting them. You're lucky if you have anything in common with your partner if all you wanted was to date someone, simply because you wanted the status of a relationship. The title of "partner" has a lot more depth to it, and with great power comes great responsibility.

Namani @namaniiamani
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
Namani @namaniiamani
Sword Art Online 2 showed me that some people will do anything to get into a relationship with that person, Even if it means getting people killed. Gotta learn to love oneself.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
I'm never actively on the hunt for a relationship 24/7, especially since I'm busy with things and I don't have the time or resources to dedicate every hour of the day to finding a girlfriend and honestly it's a very pointless exercise for the people who are doing that. Really I just go around and talk to the people I'm interested in, get talking to them, befriending them and seeing who they are as a person and if I think they're just right for me then I'll ask them out in a fairly casual yet endearing manner. I find this method to be calming and relaxing and I feel it's perfect for both my pace and the other person's pace. Sure I've been rejected plenty of times (No method is fail-proof) but then I tell myself "That's alright, she's a pretty great friend nonetheless. There's someone else who'll say yes.", from my experience I find this to be the best method of finding a relationship for me because it's such a casual way of going about it while keeping on top of everything else in life, most of the time I don't realise I'm doing it.

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Probably happens more often than not that way, but if people were not looking for relationships there wouldn't be websites, forums, or classified ads dedicated to just that. Joining any of those doesn't necessarily make one desperate IMO. Constantly chasing after every interest thrown one's way, IRL or online, without learning what that that person's real interest or intent is an indication of desperation.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
Nakama @jacob1
Kind of obvious that being desperate does not lead to a good and healthy relationship.
Also no one likes a player since the game is bullshit.

senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
The short answer is no.
The long answer is you will not find anything meaningful and somebody is going to probably get hurt. Like, federal crime hurt.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
neeto @neet_one
Only if they're women, but even then a lot of the time they'll attract equally desperate guys. I think guys are much less likely to be put off by desperation than women are.

Rinar @renard
commented on
Does anyone ever get a relationship out of wanting one and sounding desperate?
Rinar @renard
I think it kinda breaks the idea of relationship if you get it by desperation. Yes, maybe you'll feel better for a while but it's gonna fall back and hurt you sooner or later. Just let it happen.
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