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So I got a life problem

So umm I use to have a gf and we dated for 3 months and we worked in the same place (still do too) and we broke up and well I guess she lied and didn't tell me anything anyways well while I was working today we had a new girl come in 2 weeks ago and I was like oh hey she looks kawaii at least to me >_> anyways I studied her for 2 weeks and just how she acted and who she talked to and well I confronted her today and asked are you an otaku ? And gave her this like desperate stare and she's like a what and I was like I see through you and your like me and she's like don't tell anybody especially (!insert ex's name here) Me I was like I got it right ;0 and then I realized her my ex's name and was like damn she prob brainwashed her to think I'm a bad guy or made me look bad . Their both friends don't know how close to each other they are they help! --- > Note I havnt asked her out or really even talk talk or get her number any suggestions on like what I should do or approach or even ask her out even talk to her or start a convo (I already made it awkward with the death stare) >_<
i dont get it...whats happening here? did she say she sees through you or like you through her im confused but anyway your worried your ex talked bad about you to her? i guess the only way to get passed that is to show her your not a bad guy.....i mean the awkward stare and like watching from a distance may throw her off but yeah prove your ex wrong
Jul 10, 15 at 2:39am
Sounds bad bro, if she thinks your a bad guy then you got to show her your not you got to bankai it up. Also slip in main stream anime and manga refences when talking to her. If you do it bad she may fix your mistake, because any otaku enjoys fixing a bad anime refence.
Jul 10, 15 at 11:03am
I'm...not sure what happened in your story either :/
Ehh well here I'll shorten Badicly thid girl I like is friends with my ex and she has talked a lot of shit bout me and I made things awkward with me and the girl I like @teo but I'm not into main stream anime well some guess I got to talk bout naruto, AOT and other main stream no fun
Ok. Here's the deal, let her get to know you even if your ex put her two cents into it. What do you have to lose? She'll either like you or not, but playing coy will not help you or her figure that out. She likes anime? Cool, you now have an ice breaker. Ask about what she's watched or make a suggestion and go from there. Would it be to awkward to ask her if she'd like to go out for drinks sometime? Just talk to her as a friend for now and feel out the situation. I realize it's complicated since she's a friend of your ex, but it really doesn't have to be any more complicated than you want it to be.
Alright yaas I'll try your approach but do I say be all like hey Emily what kind of anime do you watch or like hey so Umdo you watch mainstream anime? And it turns out one of the senators from KY wants to talk to me >_> I don't even know what to say or why it's so creepy and I don't wanna sound like a dick to him or ask him personal questions the pressure ~_~
*sighs* 1. next time you see her, ask her if she has any free time 2. if she says yes, ask her if she'd like to do *insert anything otaku* with you * * * * if she doesn't, take a hint * * * * 3. if she does, show her a good time, and let her know the real you * * * * if she thinks you're full of @#$%, either give up or keep trying the previous steps * * * * 4. if she accepts you or shows interest, you have your foot in the door, and good luck complicating things will ensure it NEVER works out, cheers
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