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Breaking up pains?

Jul 08, 15 at 1:05am
Exactly u-u I guess I got played
did u reminded him what you told him before and what he sayed before ?
it's okay!! sometimes things don't always work out as planned but you learn from that and you move on, you mov and slowly but surely. *hugs*
Jul 08, 15 at 1:17am
@Ironheart: Yeah and all he said was "Sorry". Which is an apology but..it still hurts. That pain is there. @Tomoko: Thank you ;w; And I'm slowly trying to smile even if it hurts. *hugs back*
@nekokai One of my ex's did something like that. So I told him. " give me a week to be a pissed off hormonal girl who just got dumped and then maybe we can talk again because right now I'm torn between punching you in the face, crying, and acting like a bitch while eating ice cream," those were my wise words. And for the next week I was a pissed off hormonal girl who had just gotten dumped. After that I talked to him and me and him are still great friends. ^^ it may not be the best advice but it worked for me. I hope that this helped. Even just a little bit.
Jul 08, 15 at 8:52am
Breaking up Gains?
The breaking up Gains is I have alot more spare $ in my pocket.. the breaking up pains is when the girl i was with for years told me that I don't love her : /
Unfortunately there's never an easy way to unload the feelings you had for him, that you have to be around him to work on a project won't help. So far the only real way to get through it is to let time clear your emotions of him. Your friends here and IRL will be there for you.
Gotta keep on trucking bud.
Jul 08, 15 at 11:23pm
Ah, young feelz.... Everyone experiences heart break. Just be with friends, family and focus on school. Just imagine this, some day you may truly experience heart break as I don't really count puppy love/infatuation. At least you don't have to live with him...experience talking there.
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