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Breaking up pains?

So a few months ago I posted on here about being embarrassed to talk to a guy because I had embarrassed myself in class. Well I talked to him, got to know him, and he asked me out. Well he just broke up with me. "It's not you it's me". I'll ask for no harsh judgement like last time, but maiotaku helped me out then and here I turn to it again. I guess what I'm asking is. How do I keep my mind off it? He still wants to be friends, how do I stop the hurt?
You have to give you both some space before you jump into being friends. Give yourself time without him and decide if you still want him in your life as an friend.
D: sorry to hear nekokai :"( http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141016013927/degrassi/images/f/f1/Asuna_hugs_Kirito.gif well idk if there is an easy way around it tbh do you know why he broke up with you? like goku said maybe you should give it time. but hang in there ok? dont give up maybe one day you'll find someone who will love you forever and stuff
Jul 07, 15 at 10:45pm
@goku: I feel the same way, but that's hard to do because were currently working on projects together u-u so space is kind of hard. And I made the possible mistake of introducing him to my friends (who are also apart of the prjo.) and I'd feel like a downer if I distanced myself while they're all kind of having fun. u-u
Jul 07, 15 at 10:49pm
@Panda: He said he's not ready to transition into a relationship right now and we rushed into it. Which I would have understood completely...but before that when I told him it was euphoria he insisted it wasn't, and he felt like we had known each other forever. So I followed him on his risk. Obviously..he had regrets. Thank you u-u I hope I can find someone one day. But tbh I only really wanted to be friends with him in the beginning...and then he started wanting to get close to me u-u Now it hurts again...when all I wanted was to meet new people...he enticed me and I fell for it.
awww :"(
Jul 07, 15 at 11:05pm
cheer up neko http://i.imgur.com/QmipPPb.gif
Jul 07, 15 at 11:55pm
first he said that you 2 known each other forever..now he saying not ready to transition into a relationship..! *_*
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