Is long distance and age really a big deal

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
Is long distance and age really a big deal
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
I been thinking if people on here were to start dating each other on here but would have issues with things like distance and age difference my personal opinion is age is just a number I would only date older because of past reasons also long distance there is video chat and other social media if you feel like it could work go for it don't let those things hold you back tell me what you think about this

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
Is long distance and age really a big deal
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Age isn't too much of an issue for me aside from being legal and some of my activities involve 21+ venues, so I'd rather avoid that argument again. I've had to deal with people close to my age who's attitude was little different than a spoiled child while others in their 20's have impressed me by being wise beyond their years. The age difference has usually been an issue for the other person; I've been "too old" for someone four years younger than me, lol!
Distance would be an obstacle for me. I've been in LDRs before and they all ended the same; she found someone IRL and I was left asking why I wasted so much time. Even someone ~60 miles from me has been difficult at best, if not outright impossible due to our jobs. I haven't completely shut off the option, but it will weigh heavily in the decision.

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Is long distance and age really a big deal
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
Legal age of course overs dating. Minors is disgusting also sorry to hear that I hope you find some one one day

cadettealright @cadettealright
commented on
Is long distance and age really a big deal
cadettealright @cadettealright
Distance can be an issue because, I mean, if you're in a relationship with someone, even friendship, you want to be around that person and just like have them near. But it's more of a twinge of an issue than a huge deal. It's all depending on the people involved and that's why some people prefer not to be in long distance relationships.
Meanwhile, age is a huge issue. Major. Beyond the fact that everyone in a relationship needs to be of age. Like age isn't just a number, it's the experiences you've had, the time you've had to mature, where you are in life. As a 19 year old, I would never date someone more than4-5 years older than me. And I look at it this way, 5 years is more than 25% of my life. That means I'd be dating someone who has over 25% more experiences and maturity, they're in a completely different place than I am, a completely different stage in life. And it can get very dangerous, especially for myself, because I'm very bad at confrontations and easy to push around. So, if this person who is much older than me, decides to try to force me to do something I do want to or anything like that, they're going to be more successful than someone my own age because they've had more time to perfect those skills. They'll more than likely hold it against me that I'm so much younger than them in order to get me to play along with what they want.
And there's a whole slew of things that makes large age gaps a nightmare. It is absolutely something I would avoid and would urge others to avoid.

The misplaced youth @charmaxus
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Is long distance and age really a big deal
The misplaced youth @charmaxus
I think it all depends on the person going for it, wether they're patient enough to deal with that type of relationship and all that comes along with it. I believe its able to work for everybody but there are always little things that can interfere and even though they may be small, they can add up over time and even begin to damage said relationship if you don't know how to deal with it or even deal with in time. In the end it all comes down to preference i think. I personally don't consider long distance a big deal, nor age, like you say, its just a number to me as long as the number is appropriate. :]

The Lone Wolf @sanjayc
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Is long distance and age really a big deal
The Lone Wolf @sanjayc
Hmmm LDR
Well distance is the only problem
Age doesnot matter unless you think odd about it.
Well if you are really in love then you can find a way to end the distance but both people have ti be sure about their relationship...
Well for me it ended badly although i managed to travel long distance to meet her once a month but it didnt mattered for her how much obstacles i had faced lastly brokeup... so 90 % chances are failure

neeto @neet_one
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Is long distance and age really a big deal
neeto @neet_one
I'm not all that crazy about older women, but at least they tend to be more mature and humble than younger girls. As for on younger again I'm not crazy about the idea. I almost got involved with someone nearly ten years younger than me not that that long ago and the age gap made me a bit uncomfortable. At times she'd make me feel really old too, which truth be told I'm a bit sensitive about. I honestly don't know if I could ever be one of 'those' guys. You know, the guys with women half their age who think it's so awesome. Heck, I'd feel guilty about them being stuck with someone older even if they say they don't mind. In a lot of ways it doesn't seem fair to them.
Can't say I much mind distance, but as nikita_13 pointed out a lot of times people will just treat you like a backup plan while looking for something in their own area. A lot of people wont even treat online relationships like real relationships and might treat it like a game. So yeah there is indeed some risk involved with it.

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Is long distance and age really a big deal
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
@cadettealright I guess that's right but unless it's overs dating underageRs than an issue but if everyone is at the legal age I don't see what the issue Is I guess everyone has different veiws

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Is long distance and age really a big deal
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
i like older women tbh but that depends how old we are talking here like no one above 23 for me lmao even that is a stretch but yeah and definitely no one below 16 cause thats a headache waiting to happen trust me but anyway age does sort of matter cause too old and then your like ok by the time im your age you'll be old enough to be my mom and thats sort of weird XD or too young and its like wellll now i look like a pedo cause your still young enough to be considered a loli plus you look and dress like one
as for distance that one is way worse than age cause watch yeah sure you have a gf or whatever but you cant see them, you cant hug or kiss them, cant hang out, cant eat together, or anything like that and then it sucks even worse cause then if they are in another country who has that kind of money to fly back and forth when ever they want lmao cause i sure dont especially with college coming up i have to pay for that and cant even afford to go several states away to meet up

cadettealright @cadettealright
commented on
Is long distance and age really a big deal
cadettealright @cadettealright
You have to understand, age matters because the brain and body are at different levels of development throughout your life time. The brain isn't fully developed until between your mid 20's to early 30's, so during that time span a 19 year old and 23 year old could be in completely different stages of maturity. I'm not talking personality wise, I'm talking cognitively. a 19 year old will not be in the same brain space as a 23 year old.
In most cases, larger age gaps opens up the younger person in the relationship to being abused or forced into doing things they're not comfortable with. Sometimes this isn't the case, in this whole world there are exceptions for everything, but whenever my friends come to me talking about a relationship with someone much older than them I have warned them that it may be dangerous. I've been right every time and it's incredibly sad and incredibly frustrating.
There are some really young people on here so I'm trying to warn them if they see this, don't think it's an accomplishment or cool to be in a relationship with someone way older than you, be wary of it. Think about why someone who is like 25 would date a highschooler and realize it's not a safe situation for you. I'm saying this for men and women and anyone in between. I'm not trying to shit on love, I'm trying to educate people who may not realize where their "love" is going, you know.
It is totally dependent on who the people involved are, what their ages are. People further along in life don't really have to worry about this. Teens and twenty somethings do have to worry about this.
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