Struggles with weeaboo's

desu_ninja @desu_ninja
Struggles with weeaboo's
desu_ninja @desu_ninja
So basically I'm an admin for a Facebook group, and I was really happy to be chosen for the admin position. But, the page owner claims to be a weeaboo and calls me a 'filthy casual'. So I've never delt with anyone like this, so I didn't really know how to respond. I tried to understand a 'weeaboo's' way. I even joined the skype group (part of the Fb group) in hopes of understanding ...anime (I guess) better (at least from their view). No such help, I mainly ended up akwardly listening to the page owner & his friends debate Lord knows what about anime.
I'm still rather sad about not being taken seriously as an admin (was it because I'm a 'filthy casual'?). Such as the banner I MADE for the group being taken down and replaced with a random image of the page owners waifu. Also the youtube page I made for the group wasn't used or announced at all(when he knew I finished it). To top it off, when he made a buddy of his an admin (without telling me) and I asked about it, he TOLD ME he didn't take me seriously. I don't understand why he doesn't. He has never once asked for my help, or told me to do anything. Though I'm an admin, I'm not the boss. If I'm not told anything, then what am I supposed to do?
I know that him and his buddy make all the decisions for the group in their own private chats, and it sucks cause I really was so happy to get the position. I thought anime was supposed to be something shared with others and just enjoyed. Why am I a 'filthy casual' for believing so? Is that why I'm not taken seriously?

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Struggles with weeaboo's
yaasshat @yaasshat
Life is my struggle and the struggle is real, bruh.
What you're dealing with there is petty crap. I'd never deal with that just to "fit in". I mean, who the hell is he or his cronies? Being so obsessed with anything, is not something to be proud of or strive for. How old is the guy that'd he say that in any form? It's a cartoon, anime, but it's just another form of entertainment at the end of the day. Seriously, drop that group. It's great to find others of like interest, but he sounds like he has to be in charge and feel superior through his so called "knowledge". Do you honestly want to fit in with that? You can do better, even from here.

Genei-jin @geneijin
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Struggles with weeaboo's
Genei-jin @geneijin
Probably having used to be somewhat of a weeb myself back some years ago. I was pretty much oblivious to others when expressing the feeling. Now I see others do it and I feel embarrassed for them.

Ushio @ushioryuusei
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Struggles with weeaboo's
Ushio @ushioryuusei
:/ well you're a "filthy casual" because he said so, because we all know what one weeb says is law. But yea what yaasshat said is right, leave that group. Its one fb page out of hundreds, I'm sure you'll be able to find one that's looking for admins, most are and will willingly let you in if you just ask. And if that doesn't work well you could always run your own page with a few friends and just grow from there.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Struggles with weeaboo's
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
wth is a filthy casual? what sort of group are you hanging with? cause that doesnt sound like the group i would be around especially since they are calling peeps a filthy what your trying to say is they dont take you seriously because you arent one of them? i'd say ditch them tbh if you did so much for them like making a banner and a youtube page for them and they treat it and you like crap obviously they dont appreciate what your doing for them.

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Struggles with weeaboo's
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Hmmm. I'd get out of that situation ASAP, They just seem to be using you. There is no such thing as a "filthy casual", Just elitists, which is what those people sound like.

desu_ninja @desu_ninja
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Struggles with weeaboo's
desu_ninja @desu_ninja
Thanks for all of your advice. I thought about it today and I decided to leave the group. I realized I shouldn't be as emotionally distressed as I am over a freaking FB group. I wanted to stay to watch the group grow and help it along the way, but if I'm going be treated like the ba$+ard step-child, its not worth it. I'm taking the YouTube channel and my banner (not that's either are used) along with me. Hopefully I can find another FB group with a more welcoming environment that is in need of an admin.
Thank you all so much! ^.^

manny_heart @manny_heart
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Struggles with weeaboo's
manny_heart @manny_heart
Weebs give me the creeps! >~<
Ya breh, trust me your better off lol
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