Cities in Japan

Yazeru @rtltlengi
Cities in Japan
Yazeru @rtltlengi
If you have enough money for traveling to one city in Japan, where would you go? And which things will you buy?
I want to go to Akihabara, since it has many Otaku things, and electric appliances.
Really want to go a maid cafe.

displaynamehere @purefault
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Cities in Japan
displaynamehere @purefault
I've been to Japan three times, and all I can say is that even just in Tokyo, there are too many cities to see. haha. If you stay a long time, you'll be able to visit them all. Akihabara is actually just a small section of Chiyoda-ku. If you're really into the big cities, definitely check out the wards Shibuya and Shinjuku.
But of course, don't forget other famous places out to the southwest like Kyoto.
There are also many smaller areas that are great if you knwo where to go or have friends there.

neeto @neet_one
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Cities in Japan
neeto @neet_one
There's a small fishing town in the mid north area of japan I'd like to visit. I have my reasons...

animage @animage
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Cities in Japan
animage @animage
I have been to Nara, Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Kyoto. I have visited Akihabara, Shibuya, and Ikebukuro. I will say Akiba isn't the only anime place to be they have one in Osaka called Nipponbashi and it has lots of things there to!!

kobatolover @kobatolover
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Cities in Japan
kobatolover @kobatolover
Wow that's so cool! I really want to go to Tokyo and Hokkaido. Hokkaido seems the most like my own home town. Well if you rolled the whole island into one small town.

xxx @__removed_uguubox
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Cities in Japan
xxx @__removed_uguubox
Ikebukuro honestly has a little bit of everything while still being homey in it's own way. I really really love that place.

serah2012 @serah2012
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Cities in Japan
serah2012 @serah2012
Probably Tokyo again. Love big cities. Have a lot of friends there

wavercd @wavercd
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Cities in Japan
wavercd @wavercd
The few times I've been to Japan I really enjoyed Nara (a great mix of city conveniences and the history of all those old buildings and parks) and Kamata in Tokyo (a nice mix between the suburbs and the big elements of the city and easy to get around there to other big hubs in Tokyo).

kazundogouda @kazundogouda
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Cities in Japan
kazundogouda @kazundogouda
Maid cafes aren't that interesting. I prefer sushi bars.
I'd go to Osaka, because my cousin lives there, and I prefer it over Tokyo.

Kyoko @himurakyoko
commented on
Cities in Japan
Kyoko @himurakyoko
umm well I live in Osaka but I like going to smaller towns when on vacations ^^ My favorite is Kurama
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