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Very new here

Greetings, fellow otaku Im very new hoping to meet some more anime fans and get along with so if you want to talk add me please thanks :)
Congratzzzz on being the millionth member to join lmao jk jk welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here http://www.theprospect.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/tumblr_mcbocfncWK1qkf3ufo1_500.gif
Jun 18, 15 at 8:54pm
Hello, Welcome to MO. I am MO's official vampire and wish you an amazing stay.
Voli @voli commented on Very new here
Jun 19, 15 at 1:47am
hey dylan ^^ from the profile picture, i take it Code geass is your fav anime ? :3 anywho.. welcome to MO ^^ hope you enjoy it here...
Welcome to Maiotaku! Hope you enjoy it sincerely :3
Hiya. Welcome to MO and i hope you make many friends
Jun 24, 15 at 10:11am
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
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