
imogenep @imogenep
imogenep @imogenep
Will be honest I hate being new so I have no idea how this site works! Wish me luck

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Hello, Welcome to MO. I am MO's official vampire and wish you a pleasant stay. It's quite simple, Talk in the forums, add people that you might like, Talk by sending messages or posting on their feed, But of course we are all here to have fun, so don't be intimidated.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Welcome to Mo ¬ ¬ dont listen to leo im the official vampire here and your friendly neighborhood chinese food delivery guy jk jk :3 lmao anyway welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Nakama @jacob1
Welcome and good luck, your going to need it.

Voli @voli
commented on
Voli @voli
well welcome to MO ^^ its a really great site.. trust.. you'll see loads of people here with different and same interests x) like how cool is that (that was legitness) xD .. anywho... hope u enjoy your stay ^^

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
Manga_bird @manga_bird
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^

Emma Best Stoll @emmastoll
commented on
Emma Best Stoll @emmastoll
Hi *-* Feel free to add me and chat with me, becouse... umm.. becouse friends are important? ... just... okay...

jezh22 @jezh22
commented on
jezh22 @jezh22
Welcuuuume-nya good luck with the site!

shadowflamedragon @shadowflamedragon
commented on
shadowflamedragon @shadowflamedragon
Welcome and all the good luck wished upon you
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