Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?

Mop @mop
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
Mop @mop
My fiance doesn't like anime at all (with rare exceptions)and I don't mind. Despite his dislike for things like that, he's still taking me A-kon. :) What about you? Do you NEED your significant other to like anime? What if you really like them and they don't like anime? Is that okay with you?

hiroshii91 @hiroshii91
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
hiroshii91 @hiroshii91
i think your even if he or she doesn't like anime/manga i can still be with them but i think they have a better chance of be happy if they do like anime or manga

gone @normandy
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
gone @normandy
Sharing interests like that would be nice, but it's not a requirement. I have other interests that could be shared besides anime/manga, but in the end the most important thing is for it to be someone who can accept me for all of my interests/quirks. If I have that, the other details aren't so important.

trancytan @trancytan
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
trancytan @trancytan
I don't have to date someone who is a hardcore otaku, but there's no way I can stand to be with someone who isn't pretty geeky. >_>; I can't stand being with someone who I can't fully be myself around, or with someone who doesn't "get" me, you know? I'm a pretty big nerd, and it's important to me. ;;; I've been in relationships with guys who weren't very nerdy, and it's just... there's something lacking. Like, I can't be my passionate self around them, and they won't get 90 percent of the things that make me happy. :c

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
There's a big difference for me between someone into anime/manga/etc. and someone who doesn't and won't like it. It's my main passion, and if I can't relate on that level, there's probably no way for me to stick with that person for long unless it's a casual friend basis and there's some other main interest we share. It's fine if the guy isn't into fashion/style or cosplay but he'd have to be able to acknowledge that as part of who I am and what I do also.

huogir @huogir
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
huogir @huogir
I agree with what trancy says I mean yeah they don't have to be super nerdy but it just wont work out too fine without being able to be the full nerd we all are.

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
I go for the nerds *thumbs up!* way more fun. Either that, or they will convert to my lifestyle eventually anyway! I don't give in when it comes to teh levels of geek I am <--finally gave in to the dork side a few months ago ^//^

Key @keyrunners
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
Key @keyrunners
I need them to at least like some of the basics (FLCL, Full metal alchemist, Inuyasha) otherwise most of our converstaions will just end up lost in translation and we'll both end up feeling bad....

Xiro_Danku @xiro_danku
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
Xiro_Danku @xiro_danku
I t.hink truthfully similarities are what make a relationship. Don't get me wrong opposites do attract but with something in common such as anime I feel this opens doors that improve that. I mean if your mate is otaku like you then its almost like someone pressed "the easy button" on your relationship .. Gifts,dates,and other things will almost be a no brainer because of the similarities you share. So long story short yes I feel its important

Xiro_Danku @xiro_danku
commented on
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
Xiro_Danku @xiro_danku
I t.hink truthfully similarities are what make a relationship. Don't get me wrong opposites do attract but with something in common such as anime I feel this opens doors that improve that. I mean if your mate is otaku like you then its almost like someone pressed "the easy button" on your relationship .. Gifts,dates,and other things will almost be a no brainer because of the similarities you share. So long story short yes I feel its important
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